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If you're feeling that the winter

Went on far too long,

And our national fiscal policy

Could possibly be wrong,

Cast your mind back to last year,

Recall the soaking Jubilee

When we awaited the Olympics

Somewhat trepidaciously.


It didn't feel like summer.

There was an awful lot of rain

And there were sort of gale-force winds

And it was really cold again.

I thought I'd leave my vest off -

It was July, for heavens sake,

But I had to put it on again.

And all the tans were fake.

The shops were stocked with shorts and tops:

Frankly, we didn't care.

Jumpers, leggings, brollies, boots

Were our survival wear.

There were huge security issues.

Strikes threatened. OMG.

Could we afford to pay the bills?

Would we be shamed, Olympicly?


When the Olympics were half over

It had rained a bit, it's true,

But there was sun, and smiley faces,

And lots of red and white and blue,

And we were managing SOME MEDALS

And our athletes were MAGNIF.

And I tried to do some exercise

And so felt really stiff,

But the opening was marvellous,

History, culture, lights,

Lark Rise to Candleford, industry,

An Olympic night of nights!

A vast and lively musical,

And THE QUEEN parachuted down

And streams of gorgeous athletes

And the CAULDRON'S fiery crown!

Wotta lotta work went in!

Wotta brilliant show!

Wotta lotta people helped

To do it with Seb Coe!


Well, the rain had drifted in again

And things were a bit flat

But the Olympic weather was quite good..

How did they manage that?

We won a lot of medals:

Third place on the chart.

We saw the determination

Of the Brit team taking part.

All those years of training!

Bodies honed to the nth degree!

Their sacrifices backed by cash

From John Major's Lottery!

It might have made us conscious

Of being only couch athletes -

I've never seen so many families

Cycling in the streets!

London's skyline backdropped

The arena's 'O' of light

Enclosing movement, music, people -

A last gigantic party night.

And 70,000 VOLUNTEERS!

We showed what we could do!

We may be broke and battered

But we really saw it through.

So no, we probably couldn't afford it

And the rain did settle in

But I was confident they'd sort it out

For the Paralympics to begin.


What a triumph!  What a show!

Those amazing paralympians!

All that get-up-and-go!

All that training.  Dedication

Banished clouds of limitation:

Inspiration to the nation,

Cause for true appreciation.

We held our breath for athletes,

Cheered them on their way.

We laughed with the presenters

And asked 'Is it OK?'

Disability was out there

As the athletes went for gold,

Allowed to show its sense of humour

And we watched it all unfold.

I didn't want to let it go.

It was ours!  So why should we?

Let's celebrate it all again

Retrospectively !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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