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" Porleusica, please come quick we need you." The master said upset but calm.

"Makerov, what happened now?" Porleusica said sternly.

"Loke,he's hurt."

~after Loke is getting help~

"Loke,I'm sor..." You start to say.

"Stop it I love you and..." Loke started to say. Until Lucy interrupted.

" Loke are you..." Lucy started to speak." Oh sorry I didn't know you were here (y/n). Sorry, I guess I will go."

" No, it's all right I will leave..." You say trying to be nice, really wanting to stay. " he's your boyfriend anyway." (Trying to see if they were dating.)

" What , he is NOT my boyfriend! Where did you get that from? LOKE!!!" Lucy said ferociously.

" I just... Never mind." You say relieved.

" I will just go, "Lucy yelled after you. "I don't want to be around him after that moment."

" Ok, so where are you going now? " you ask.

" (y/n), I can tell you were trying to know if he had a girlfriend and I saw you kiss him yesterday.I thought you were very angry with him. Why did you kiss him? "

" I don't know , am I crying?" You whisper.

" (y/n) are you okay ? I am worried about you. You always seem off and unaware of what's going on. You never talk and always are hanging around the guild hall but are not part of it. Just tell me what's going on. PLEASE!!" Lucy said starting to tear.

" Lucy I'm sorry if I made you feel upset I was just,, I ,, I ,, don't know what's wrong with me I, I, just keep seeing things like an image of the future or of the past and what was here. I'm really sorry I know you do you believe me."

"(Y/n), I know who can help you, Carla."

" What, the little white exceed?" You say crying but with an attitude.

"Yes, come with me."

You are confused. Not knowing what Carla would have anything to do with this.

~ after Lucy drags you to the guild ~

" Carla , Carla , I need your help." Lucy shouted from across the room.

" What is it Lucy?" Carla said annoyed.

" (y/n), she has visions like you."

" Oh really, let's see. (Y/n), what are these visions of?"

" Umm, they are of people are at the guild. It's falling apart and fire burning and everyone gone except you and me. They are like nightmares. Please help me Carla."

" Th-Those are the images I have. What does this mean?"

"Carla , please no th-this can't be true your not crazy, but I-I n-never had these images until I saw the guild. Please no this can't be happening. This is exactly what Gutyres said would happen. NOOOOOO!!!!" You started to say as you cry.

" (y/n), what are you talking about?" Lucy said full heartedly.

" Gutyres, he was my neighbor 10 years ago. He said the day before I turn 18, there will blond girl who takes me to a cat for advice about a calling. And this is what she meant by the calling. I thought he was just making up something. Gutyres , why do you always have to be right? "

"Oh no." Carla said hesatantivly.

"What Carla ?" Lucy said.

" Gutyres, h-h-he was m-m-m-my enemy a very long time ago. He hated that Wendy was my friend. Don't ask why I have no idea, but he got over it and we
were kind of friends. He once told me that on the April 2nd before my birthday , there would be a girl who has visions and he told me I would help her, I guess this is what he was talking about."

" Gutyres, I hate you. You never spoke to me for a long time because I was a wizard like you. You wanted to always have the spot light. When word spread, you stopped telling me things. I hate you." You say in a murderous tone but so softly. As the lights start to blackout.

" (y/n)!!!!!!!" Lucy started to scream as someone was strangling you.

" Gutyres!!!!!" Carla screamed.

" (y/n) no!" Wendy shouted.

" Gutryes , why are you doi..." Carla started to say UNTIL...

Sorry I know that this is a short chapter but I am trying my hardest with 4 tests to study for and a friend who is in love but the love is destroying her.
Sorry I really am.


For the mistake I've made( Loke/Leo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now