The Spartan

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Peyton slowly gained consciousness. "Huh, where am I?" He murmured to himself. He wondered where his friends were, well, one in particular.
"Get up chief!" A computers voice said. Suddenly he was wide awake, he was in a capsule and it seemed like it was being opened to let him out. "Come on chief! The covenant are coming!!" The voice said". "I'm not a chief!" Peyton said. "Well, you are now. You are the only Spartan we have available. My name is cortanna, now let's get moving!" Cortanna replied. Peyton quickly jumped out of the castle and grabbed a gun that was right next to him. "Who are the covenant?" He asked. "The covenant are a species of aliens that want to destroy mankind, now cut the chit chat and hurry up! The covenant are right outside this door!!!" Just then a huge alien smashed down the door. He was about 6 feet tall and he had tons of armor. He wielded a sword that seemed to be made out of pure energy. Peyton charged him and shot him 47 times in the chest. The alien fell in a heap on the ground but more aliens came through the door to help their fallen comrade. Peyton shot them again and again until there were no more covenant in sight. "Where to next Cortanna?" He asked. "Go down two floors to the hanger!" She said. "And hurry!" Peyton ran towards the elevator. He got in and set it to hangar level. While he was waiting, he got to hear some Justin Timberlake before the elevator door opened and Peyton started destroying covenant left and right. "Quickly get in a Covenant landing ship and blow it up!"Cortanna said. Peyton ran into the ship as fast as he could, he placed several grenades around the ship and got off. Then the explosives went off and he didn't  even look back.

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