Kings Of Suburbia(Kings Of Suburbia)

77 4 23

We are young
With open eyes
Blinded by
The city lights
Lose control
To feel alive
Just another day
In paradise

Diamond sky
Diamond sky
You and I
You and I

We are the Kings and Queens of suburbia
Somewhere in time, we don't know where we are
Come on
We are who we are
Come on
Come on

Have you heard
The silent scream
Boys and girls
Born to be free
Love is our gasoline
Livin' on this endless dream

Diamond sky
Diamond sky
You and I
You and I

We are the Kings and Queens of suburbia
Somewhere in time, we don't know where we are
Come on
We are who we are
Come on
Come on

We are the Kings and Queens of suburbia
Somewhere in time, we don't know where we are
Come on
We are who we are
We are who we are

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference

We are the Kings and Queens of suburbia
Somewhere in time, we don't know where we are

We are the Kings and Queens of suburbia
Somewhere in time, we don't know where we are
Come on
We are who we are
We are who we are

Diamond sky
Diamond sky
You and I
You and I

Diamond sky
Diamond sky
You and I
You and I

Join me under diamond skies
Everything will be alright

Join me under diamond skies
Everything will be alright

Join me under diamond skies
Everything will be alright

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