James Anderson part one

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Here I am, standing in front of my new class, and I'm already standing in my grave. I can hear my new peers whispering about me and it's not because I'm the new kid.She just had to call me by my birth name.

"Jessica, you can sit here ." My new oblivious teacher said as she pointed at the first desk in the front row, lucky me. When I make my way to the desk I can hear the whispers even clearer.

"Jessica? I thought that was a guy!"

"What's up with her hair and clothes? Is she a lesbian?"

I want to stand up and scream at them that I am a guy but I don't. It would only confuse them and drag them further away from me.That was my entire day, getting called Jessica and being whispered about. This wasn't how I envisioned my first day going at all.As I sat in my last period of the day, AP English, I tuned out my teacher and got lost in my thoughts of self pity and worthlessness.Suddenly, something interesting caught my ears.

"Okay students, I know there are only a few minutes left of class but I wanted to announce that there is a school wide project that all students must participate in. So you have to pick a topic you feel passionate about and write whatever you want about it.This will be due in one month and Principal Burgs will choose the best one to be presented at an assembly in their honor, class dismissed." Mr.Lopez said as the bell rang.I hurriedly packed my things and made my way outside into the chilling air, brainstorming my brilliant, ingenious plan.The car ride home is filled with a comfortable, almost eerie silence.As we pulled up to our new home my mother finally turns to me and asks me about my disappointing day.

"So James, how was your first day?" She looks at me with a somewhat hopeful gleam in her eyes."Did you make any friends?" I look away from her, feeling ashamed. I open my slightly chapped lips and say In a hoarse voice,

"No, I didn't . They look at me like I'm some freak." I don't dare look her in the eyes because I'm afraid of seeing disappointment shine in them. "Mom, I've got this project I want to work on so I'll be in my room.Okay?" With that I'm out of the car and in my room.As I sit at my desk, my head spins with ideas and words trying to form into coherent sentences.This is it, this is my chance to be accepted.

I am James AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now