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Damon woke up from the sound of his alarm. He let out a low groan and slowly got up, reaching over and turning it off. He stretched with a yawn and got up and went to the bathroom. Damon looked at himself in the mirror and smiled slightly, knowing he looked like a dork with his bed head.

"Oh man, if only Yeno was here." He chuckled, "She would be giggling at me like a little schoolgirl."

He got his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. After he was done, he went back to his room and put on some clothes. Damon went downstairs to get his books and snack on something small while going to the bus stop where he meets Yeno, his girlfriend.
Sooner or later he got there, but it was after Yeno did.

"Finally! I was waiting for hours!" She yelled after seeing him from afar.

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry for the wait. It was literally only 5 minutes though. I'll never make you wait that long."

"Mhm... Well it doesn't look like you took time to get ready." She giggled. "You're hair looks fabulous by the way." She said with a bit on sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah. I'm trying out a new style. It's called the "I just had sex with my girlfriend" hair. I mean, you would recognize it." Damon said smiling.

She hit his arm smiling also as he started laughing.

"Ugh it's gonna bother me... I HAVE to fix this." Yeno reached up, trying to fix his hair. She was unable to because of how short she was. She pushed him onto a bench and went behind it. "Okay.... This goes here.... Add a swerve... Annnnnd DONE!"

Damon stood up and kissed Yeno from over the bench, pulling her by her waist. She kissed back but quickly stopped and pulled his hands off her waist.

"We're in public you dork." She said lightly blushing and walking around the bench to sit on it.

Damon sat next to her and placed his arm around her neck. "Aye, anytime anyplace, I'm down for it." He smiled.

She laughed a little and looked down the road. The bus was coming and she got up, taking Damon's hand and raising him up. She kept holding his hand until they both got on the bus and sat by each other.

~~~~~~~~~~At School~~~~~~~~~~

Damon went to Yeno's locker and waited for her to get her things for first period. She took a while considering her locker got jammed and he helped her open it.

"I really wish we had first period together. I only have Ryn there." He said.

"Ryn is your best friend. Plus we have 5 classes together, including lunch." Yeno smirked at him. She loved it when he would talk like this - talk like he really cared about her. She gathered her things and started walking the hallway to her class, followed by Damon.

"But I want to see you everyday for the rest of my life. Every single second." He whined.

Yeno stopped in front of a door and held his hand. "Okay now. Don't go crazy stalker on me." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Time flies." She said as she walked into the classroom, sitting next to her best friend, Hira.

Damon watched with a pouty expression. He turned back from the hallway and toward his classroom. He was startled when Ryn jumped up behind him.

"Friend! Guess who I just asked out?!"
Ryn enthused.

"Let me guess, Nadia Parker and she said yes?"

"Dude, we're talking about Nadia fucking Parker! The hottest girl in school. Aka MY GIRLFRIEND!"

"Ryn, she's the second hottest girl. Yeno will always be the first."

"She's a really close second. Wouldn't say first 'cause she's flaaaaat."

Damon hit Ryn in the shoulder. "She might be flat but I don't care."

~~~~~~~~~~In Class~~~~~~~~~~

Damon took his seat by the window and Ryn sat next to him. The bell rang and the teacher started.

"Hello class! Today we will be learning about the early Victorian Age! But first the school board wanted us to give you all a warning about...."

Damon lost focus on the teacher and started doodling on a piece of paper. He could only hear part of wahat the teach was saying.

"Be careful.... Disease.... Very harmful effects.... Death..."

He looked up at hearing the word "death" but the teacher was now done talking about whatever he was preaching about so he just went back to drawing.

After a while, he noticed the class was being really quiet. He looked up and saw about a quarter of the class gone. "Strange." He softly said to himself. "I wonder what happened to them."

Damon heard the bell ring and quickly gathered his stuff. He walked out the door with Ryn and went to the locker bays.

"I gotta meet up with Nadia at her locker so I'll be at the other side." Ryn brofully hit Damon's shoulder and walked off, "Peace!"

Damon walked to Yeno at her locker, grabbing her waist and standing next to her. She looked a little bummed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Our teacher told us about some really infectious disease. I'm really worried because a lot of people in my class were gone. It was only me, Hira, and like 12 other people."

"Yeah mine did too, but I wasn't paying attention."

Yeno hugged him and didn't let go for a few seconds. "I just don't want one of us to get it..."

Damon kissed her forehead and hugged her again. "Hey.. Don't think about that. You're gonna start worrying about it and make me start worrying about it."

She smiled and closed her locker. Damon carried her stuff and taking his free hand in hers and intertwining them together. They both walked off to their next class together.

Sorry if it's not that interesting right now, but it's still in the making. :D

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