Chapter Two

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I hear a knock on the door. I get up from the couch and head towards the door, I open the door to find a teenage boy standing, about the same height and size as me. Suddenly, the boys falls into my arms. This guy was heavy, he had a sword and shield on his back, and he seemed tired. Not knowing what to do, I bring the boy inside the house and close the door. I lay the boy on the couch and take off his sword and shield, laying them on the floor next to him. He has a dark green robe on with black boots. I take off his boots so he wouldn't dirty the couch. His sword seemed to be what they call a katana. The districts aren't allowed to have weapons, well at least most of the districts aren't allowed. The katana seems to a very agile sword, being able to make fast slashes and the shield was nothing I have seem before. The shape of the shield looked ancient but the material looked modern. The border of the shield was gold colored, the inner part of the shield seemed to made out of silver and there was a bronze maple leaf on it. Maple leafs don't grown in the southern districts so it seems like this person is from one of the northern districts. I look at the clock to see that the clock says 6:30pm. I decide to leave the guy on the couch and grab the flower and cookies. I make my way out to the street to see the whole street lighten up with all sorts of colors and people dancing everywhere. Glow Flowers are hanging everywhere, people are in bright color clothes, and music is blooming through out S101.

I head for the park with a smile on my face, my heart racing and my palms sweating. I am a little nervous to finally tell Yelia how I truly feel about her.

I make it to the park to see Yelia in a bright blue dress, sitting on the grass with a basket. I walk towards her, she sees me and smiles. I sit right next to her, putting down the cookies and trying to hide the box with the flower.

"Hey Cerux, you came on time. Nice job hahaha."
"I guess I did hahaha. Yelia, I have something to give you..."
"Oh! What is it Cerux?"

I pull out the box from my back and set it down onto the grass. Yelia covers her mouth with her hand, trying not to get too excited to what it seems like.

"Cerux, you didn't...!"
"Yes, yes I did Yelia. Before I open this box, I have to tell you something..."
"What is it? Please tell me what it is Cerux."
"I really like you Yelia, you mean a lot to me and I want us to be a couple. I'm sorry if you are weirded out by th-"

Yelia went for a kiss, our lips locked and she backed away, smiling.

"Cerux, I have always like you and I mean ALOT. You are so sweet and kind, of course I want to be with you!"

My face grew red and I couldn't stop smiling. Yelia grabs my hands and starts to interlock our fingers. Suddenly, we are holding hands and I have the biggest smile in the world.

"Hey hammie, I see that everything went well yo. Congrats but don't be messin' up, alright broski?"

Hayden appeared behind me and Yelia, out of nowhere. Me and Yelia jumped a little but then calmed down. Hayden points at the box and tells me to open the box. I open the box, the box's sides fold out onto the grass, and a crystal appears. The flower blooms and causes it to snow around the box.

"Oh Cerux!!! This is so beautiful! Thank you so much!!!"
"I got to tell ya hammie, that is quite the sight yo. I gotta tell you that I have never seen that befor'."

Out of no where, my bracelet starts to react with the flower. My bracelet and the flower starts to grow. Suddenly the flower turns into snow and wraps around my bracelet to form kind of an icy shield around the bracelet.

"Oh that's cold! Really cold!!"
"Broski... It's glowing still!!!"

My bracelet starts to cause snow flakes to form around my fist. For some reason, I feel like sticking my hand into the air. I slowly raise my arm and opened my hand to the sky. The moment I put my hand into the air, a huge beam shot out of my hand and into the sky.


A few minutes pass and S101 starts to snow! Snow only appears in districts N001, N004, and S205. I have never seen snow before. It is cold but soft, really soft and I think I like snow a lot. Everyone in S101 noticed the snow and started to make balls out of snow and build sculptures. Everyone started to use the snow like confetti and throw it on each other. Everyone seems to be having even more fun than without snow.

"Cerux, I have never seen snow! Talk about a first date! This is so amazing! I am going to play in the snow, you should join me in a few minutes."

Yelia left smiling while Hayden starts to come closer and whispers in my ear.

"Nice job bro. When I get a fancy girl like that, you betta help your bro out, got it broSNOW?"
"Yeah I do bro. Just CHILLax because you don't need to stop being COOL and never be COLD. Hahaha."
"No bro. Just no broski."

Hayden rolls up some snow into a ball and throws it and Yelia. It hits Yelia and there is a silence moment after that. Yelia gets to the ground, grabs some snow, and throws a ball of snow at Hayden. A ball of snow? A snowball! I make a snowball and throw at Yelia. We all start laughing and continue to throw snowballs at each other. Sooner or later, it is me and Hayden verses Yelia. We created walls out of snow to protect us from snowballs.

"No fair! It's two against one! That's not fair!"
"Yes it is siski, just CHILL. Hahaha."

Out of no where, Hayden gets hit with a snowball to the face, falling back behind the wall. Me and Yelia look confuse until we hear a voice in the distance.

"Two men versing a maiden. Such foolishness but funny at the same time. I am so sorry for hitting you in the face."

Hayden gets up and we all make our way to the mystery person. The mystery person is the boy that fell on me! Hayden looks at the mystery in a mean look then laughs.

"Nice shot yo! Hahaha! The names Hayden"
"Nice to meet you Hayden. I am Zyde."
"My name is Cerux and the beautiful girl next to me is Yelia."
"Aww, nice to meet you Zyde."

Zyde looks at my bracelet to see that it is glowing. He tells Hayden and Yelia to go get the best drinks in the district because he needs to talk to me in private. Hayden and Yelia nod and head off. Zyde grabs my wrist with one hand and lifts his other hand up. To what I find is that he has the same bracket but in a dark red color. His bracelet suddenly lights on fire.

"Look, Cerux, was it? You posses a great power. My bracelet let me hear and it was fate that we were suppose to meet. My bracelet, Final Wish, emitted a glow a few days ago, pulling me towards here. I didn't know where I was going but fate told me it is important. What I know is that all that seems peaceful is actually destructive. The King of Atlisk is planning something big and it's my job to stop him. Please, will you help me save this world?"
"I mean, that's a lot to take in Zyde, I just can't leave my home. I have to protect my mom and I just got a girlfri-"
"I know who killed your father Cerux."

I stepped back a few steps, shocked that this stranger knows about my father's death, my father's killer. Tears start to run down my eyes.

"How do you know about him?! Tell me how you know about him?!"

Zyde reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and a ripped page. Both items looks really dirty and aged. Zyde opens the box and there was my father's necklace.

"This belongs to you Cerux. Take it and please read this page. The moment I heard your father died, my mother told me to go retrieve his items. I went to the mining site and nothing could be found so I went to the King's castle and I found these. Once I grabbed the box, my bracelet started to glow."

I grab the necklace and put it on. Then I unfold the letter and the letter read:

"Day 247:
I found a weird metal room with a huge circle in the middle of it on the floor. Seems like some type of tunnel. I can't wait to mine this up. Weird thing is that this demonic looking creature with black looking fur as been following me. I hope nothing happens but-"

The rest of the page was covered in dried blood, making the rest of the writing unreadable. I fold up the page and put it into my pocket. I then hug Zyde and begin to cry.

"Cerux, we will avenge your father but you must come with me. The King is that demonic like thing. We will kill the King."

My crying stops and I stopped hugging Zyde.

"Okay, let's do this."

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