Chapter 1

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The Spadian Queen yelped, jumping back after he stepped on a twig. His hand flew to his chest, grasping the navy blue shirt he wore over his heart as he tried to calm the beating. He had gotten terribly lost in one of the largest forests in the Spade Kingdom while on a ride on his horse without a single guard. Now I'm sure I'll have one up my ass for very step I take after this, he thought bitterly, grinding his teeth as he kept walking.

"Howdy, there!"

Arthur shrieked, stumbling forward and face-planting in the dirt and leaves. A hearty laugh was heard from behind. Arthur felt himself seething as he flipped into his back.

"Sorry for scaring ya, yer majesty! Let me help ya!" The man held out his hand. Arthur glared at the hand before cautiously taking it. He was heaved off the ground. Arthur almost blushed instantly when he caught a wiff of alpha scent. "Come on, yer highness. My place isn't too terribly far off. Once you're all cleaned up, I can send you on yer way back to the castle!"

Arthur looked up at the taller male, tilting his head. "How do you know I'm of nobility?"

The dirty, well, dirtier male chuckled, allowing Arthur to hook his arm through his own as he lead the way. "Your clothing, the way you walk and the mark of the Queen right here." The man softly ran the pad over his thumb over the mark just above Arthur's jaw.

"Oh," was all the Queen said as he looked down. He didn't speak the rest of the way, but listened as the farmer boy, who he learned to be Alfred, spoke. Soon they arrived at a house and barn. "This is where you live?" Arthur scrunched up his nose as Alfred laughed.

"Yup! Home sweet home! Ma and pa are out for the week for a supply trip. Trading and stuff. So you won't be surrounded by too many commoners for your liking, your highness." Alfred bowed his head slightly, leading Arthur up the steps of his dingy porch.

The omega looked around in distain. His stables at the castle looked better than this. Alfred held the door open for the Queen, then lead him to the hallway beside the stairwell. "The last door on the right is the washroom. The water is nice and warm. While you're in there, I'll whip up some food and get ya some clothes to wear on your way back to the castle."

Arthur nodded and headed towards the washroom. He Locke the door behind himself, and sighed in relief. The washroom was in fantastic condition, but his stables still looked in better shape. He turned on the water before slowly stripping himself bare. He turned off the faucet, then slid into the warm, slightly steaming water. "Ah~." Arthur smiled, relaxing in the tub. It may not look as regal or be as large as the washrooms in his palace, but it certainly was cozier. Arthur reached for the sponge and soap and cleansed himself. It was nice to be doing it himself rather than a handmaiden come in while he bathed and cleaned him. It was nice and relaxing.

A knock rapped at the door. "I have some clothes right outside the door for when you're done. They may be a little big on you, but I hope they'll do until you reach the castle."

Arthur smiled at the kindness of this farmer boy. "Thank you, Alfred."

"You're welcome, your majesty. I'll go finish up dinner, then I'll send you on your way." Then he walked away to the kitchen.


After drying himself off and getting dressed, Arthur made his way to where the wonderful smell of food resided. He hadn't eaten anything in hours.

Once Alfred saw the Queen, he smiled and pulled out a chair. "Here ya are, your highness. It may not be as fancy or big as your meals at the castle, but it's all I can do for now." Arthur nodded in gratitude as he sat in the seat pulled out for him, then chuckled as Alfred pushed his lap under the table. Alfred set a plate in front if Arthur with a select few foods. Buttered corn beside peach cobbler with seasoned beef as the main part of the dish. In the cup was pure white milk. "I hope this pleases the Queen."

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