Chapter 12

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Alfred collapsed into the royal blue cushions of his throne. He sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair. Dark circles were hanging from his dull blue eyes as he stared blankly forward. He was tired, but couldn't sleep. He refused to go in his room, although the blood and glass was all cleaned up and the window had been fixed.

Then men that weren't killed were taken in for questioning, but his men found out that Francis had his men's tongues cut out so they wouldn't be able to speak if captured. Alfred had Yao send them to the dungeons.

The King had hardly a wink of sleep in the past week. They didn't have any information other than what little Vash had told Yao through their secret letters.

Francis planed on kidnapping Arthur or coaxing Matthew into having affections for him so he could cut down the Spadian King.

It was working.

Despite what the Diamond King seemed like, he was smart.

Alfred sighed again, hunching back in his throne, glaring forward as the doors opened. "What is it?"

The Jack stepped in and gave a quick bow before rushing over. "I'm sorry for disrupting you, your highness," Yao addressed Alfred formally since the King was angered and he didn't want any of that rage lashed out on him if he said one wrong thing, "but Vash's letter finally came."

Alfred snatched the off-white envelope from the beta and tore it open as he sat on the edge of his throne in anticipation.

Your highness,
I'm so sorry for having kept this from you, but I had thought that if you knew, you'd act out and a war would start. I was trying to prevent a war or any battle by telling Yao. I had hoped that Yao would receive the letter earlier, but it must have gotten mixed up in your paperwork and you didn't receive it until it was much too late.
I'm sorry, but my King has Queen Arthur locked up in a room already. I'm trying to make sure that the Queen is as comfortable as possible, but he just wants you. I swear I will help as much as possible.
Jack Vash Zwingli

Alfred sighed, handing the letter back to Yao. "Please respond to him. Tell him that I appreciate everything he has done and had tried to do." The King lowered his head. "Tell him that I'm getting Queen Arthur back before this month is over. Tell him..." Alfred glared up at the ceiling. "Tell him that if I have to, I will kill King Francis Bonnefoy of the Diamond Kingdom if necessary."

Yao bowed. "Of course."

"Once the letter sends," Alfred starts as he stands, "begin army preparations. If a battle is going to occur, we will be ready."

The beta's bow deepened. "Yes, your majesty. I shall get right on it."


Arthur glared out the window, his fingers tightly gripping the fabric of the silk robe the King of Diamonds had given him as his only clothing to wear.

"I do say," the blonde King murmured as he stepped up behind the Queen of Spades, "that you look quite ravishing in orange silk."

The Queen's glare hardened as he refused to look his captor in the eye. "Orange is a hideous color that makes me look like some foul creature rather than an esteemed Queen of a proud, reforming Kingdom."

Francis chuckled, leaning back against the wall beside the window Arthur stared into. "I don't see how anyone could love such a foul mouth."

Arthur held his chin up. "And yet King Alfred, my mate and husband, loves it with all his heart and mind and strength. He loves this child that grows within me as well."

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