[six] it's all your fault

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분노와 잔인함, 나는 받아 마땅해.
the anger, the cruelty, i deserve it.

saturday always rolled around much too quickly for jungkook's liking. needless to say, he absolutely despised weekends. actually, it was more accurate to say that he was terrified of them.

most teenagers lived for the weekends, as they were an escape from school and the stress of it all, the only time they could relax and spend time having fun with their friends and family, but jungkook lived in constant fear of them; they trapped him instead of liberating him.

there was never an escape for him.

there was never a time where he could relax, where he could stop constantly looking over his shoulder.

and the weekend only enhanced it, because there was no getting away from the wrath of his parents.

his father only came home late that friday night, and then he just went straight to bed, so he was lucky to only get trouble from his mother, who drunkenly shouted at him for the filthy house (that was mostly made that way because of her and his father) and slapped him a couple times.

he thought this was lucky, though, because it left no visible wounds, so no one would be asking him any questions.

but today, saturday, he doubted he would be so lucky.

trouble always found him on the weekend.

he could get no sleep because of all the anxiety this was causing him; he looked over at his alarm clock and saw it was already four-sixteen in the morning and he hadn't slept a wink.

jungkook was feeling exceedingly restless as he laid in bed awaiting the inevitable, so he got up and crossed the narrow floor of his tiny room as quietly as he possibly could before he crouched next to his schoolbag and unzipped it with the utmost care. he dug his hand into the front pocket and rummaged around in it blindly in the near-pitch-blackness for a moment or two before he found what he was after.

his fingers enveloped the cold little box and he pulled it out, leaning over to the left a bit so he could use the moonlight pouring in from his window to see what he was doing. he flipped the top of the pack until it was open fully and peered inside until he saw the tiny, familiar black lighter.

he pulled it out and squirmed around until he raised himself to his feet, wincing as the action put pressure on his countless injuries.

he padded across the floor almost silently and hooked the pads of his fingers under the bottom of his window.

he pulled up on it, but it wouldn't budge.

he pulled harder, putting as much force into it as he could to open the stuck window at this awkward angle, and suddenly it slid up a few inches with a slight scuffing sound.

jungkook sucked in a breath at the sound, his heart pounding as he listened with extreme caution for any disturbances it may have caused.

after a long moment of his stiff body frozen like a statue, it was still stark silent. so he continued to pull his window open, carefully, inch by inch, until it was about halfway open.

then, he lowered himself until he was on his knees once more, and gazed into the pack. he sighed nearly inaudibly as he realized he only had three left, running a frustrated hand through his knotted hair in the darkness.

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