Chapter 3

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{ Derek P.O.V}

After I made Stiles upset he said that he was going to his dad's so that he can see his cousins come down from Canada to live with them but his dad has to work all the time so Stiles thought that it would be good for then to live with use so that they can go to the same high school which is Graham-Kapowsin high school with someone that is in the same grade and in there family " Stiles you need to stay calm before you drive to you dad's I don't want to see you get hurt and we need to name that wolf sense Scott will not stop asking if we are keeping her" I told Stiles "I am calm Der and I think that we should name her Thorn because we know that she will be a Thorn in your ass sooner then later " Stiles said to me " that is a good name for her" I said to Stiles " hey I have to go I am making my dad something to eat before he gets home from work" Stiles said to me and that is why I am going to marry me but I need to ask him dad if that is okay to marry his son son when Sheriff Stilinski when he gets home and when Stiles is asleep let me tell you that boy can sleep through a train going that is how heave of a sleeper he is at night "hey Scott I am going to see is stiles is okay"I yelled at Scott on the way out of the door "okay  dad but what are we going to eat and what are we going to feed the wolf"  Scott peppercorn the front porch " you can find something to make and the wolf has a name it is Thorn and you can let Thorn hunt on her own" I yelled back then I changed into my all black wolf form then on my way to Stiles house and when I can into view I seen that it was Stiles  that was crying i changed back into my human form and when to see if he was okay  " Stiles are you okay" I asked Stiles " no Derek I am not okay
I just found out that my uncle's...that my uncle's where found dead" Stiles cried and I went to go get Stiles and when I picked him up wrapped his lags and arms around me "Stiles let's get you home and into bed" I told Stiles as soon as I said that he was out like a light on my way to stiles
house with stile s in my arms still out like a light when we got to his bedroom which was good thing that he keeps it unlocked when Isaac has nightmares and Isaac did not want to sleep in my room with out Stiles in the room to me and Stiles are like the mother and father finger to Isaac after his mom die and his dad was trying to kill him by stuffing him in the freezer and when his dad opened the freezer  door Isaac got the chance to get out and he ran when I found him he was so  scared and he was holding his side and I know that he was bitten by a werewolf that was an alpha that was not me I think that it was peter he was an alpha but I took the power away from him because he was making people into wolfs and thank god that he did not get to Stiles.Ones I got to into the room I put Stiles on the bed and he clung onto a pillow and I covered him up with a blanket that smells like me i know why Stiles loves to take my t-shirt I went down stairs to see if Sheriff Stilinski is in the kitchen he must just got off work " hey Sheriff Stilinski did you just get off work" I asked him " oh Derek I did not  know that you where here and I yes I got off work" Sheriff Stilinski said to me " if you are wondering where Stiles is he is in his room asleep and I have a question to ask you" I told the sheriff "okay thank you for telling me where Stiles is at and what is it your question that you what to tell me" said the Sheriff  "kay the question that i want to ask is if I could marry your son" I asked the sheriff "you can call me John and it is good to have you a part of the family I know that Stiles mother would have loved you like Stiles does and I know that you and the pack are going to take good care of him like I have for the last 17 year"John said to me "thank you and we ill keep hime safe from all the harm and I have another question to ask" I said to John "I know that  you and the pack will keep my baby boy safe and what is your question" John said to o me :may I turn Stiles in to a wolf so that he feels like apart of the pack and I want to start a family with him and have kids of our own we love the pack but they are not ours and I know he wishes that he can have kids now but I am not ready  to have kids tell we get married at least"I told John "I know and I know that you two will be good dads and I will be happy to be a grandpa"John said to me "yes and you are going to be a good grandpa but I am scared hat if I am not going to be a good dad what will happen to my pups there will only be one dad for them to o to when something happens"I said to John with tears in my eyes "Derek look at me you are going to be a good dad just like how I turned out to be and I have something that you need to know that when Stiles was born that it was not by his mother and she was a he and Stiles has two more brothers out there and there names are Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester there mom die when Dean was 6years ld and Sam was 6months old me and Nick are good friends and is still my husband and that is Dean and Sam'a dad to and he  one way that I had Stiles was that I am a wolf and Nick is someone that hunts supernatural things down and what I said about me bing gay can't get to Stiles and not that his mother was not the one to give birth to to him got that: John said to me "yes sir and is it okay for me to stay here for the the night I can't leave Stiles just yet"I asked John "yes Derek may you know where  Stiles room is"John said to me "thanks John for everything and I mean it and I know that Stiles has had a hard lifeI know how that feels when you loss someone that you love so yes I know how it feels hey John you remember my parents don't you my mother Talia Hale and then the fire happened"I said about to cry then John pulled me in to a hug just like my mother did when I was a little kid" hey Derek you need to calm down or Stiles will pick up on this you for got that he has part wolf in him and he needs to wake his soon or he will never have pups one day  I know how it feels Stiles did have brothers and a sister but they did not make it after they where born they ate then after that is something that I don't want to take about that lets just say that they were to weak to make it so they passed away so now when it comes to Stiles birthday which is January 21 Which going to be hard for me and I think that Stiles ad picked up on that and that is what worries me and I am not ready to tell him what happened a long time ago.John said to me and I know how it feels I lost my mom, my dad, and my brothers and sisters"I know how you feel John I lost my family but there is still Peter still around but not aloud around my pack or my house that he helped burn down and then went after my mate and he was going to mark him if did not there just in time or Peter would have calmed Stiles as his own" I said to John" I know Derek but you need to put that in the past so that you can move to the future with Stiles and have a happy family with my son"John said to me "I know John but how can I forgive him for what he did to my family and my new baby brother and he was going to be Stiles brother-in-law and he was just 4weeks old John he was just 4weeks old and his name was Max Hale and I was happy that Stiles could meat him my little Max and Peter killed them all so that he could become alpha wolf but he is no longer alpha I am alpha and now peter is band from my territory that also goes around your house John so that you do not have to bring fear and let me tell you something that is scary when he gets a farad of something I should  know he is scared of spiders" I said to John " I know Derek I rased  that boy for 17years I can't believe that he is going to be 18yeas old soon and that is going to be hard for me and Nick if he comes and visits me and I know that he wants to see Stiles his youngest  son and I know that his other two boys ant to meet their baby brother over the last 17years"John said to me "I know John but I do not want him to leave me and the pack I know how they would feel if Stiles leaves the pack goes and gets to know his brothers I don't want my Stiles to go with the Winchesters boys and they are also a tv show called Supernatural that is where I here there names from and I am going to bed know John"I told John "kay goodnight Derek and do not mind if there is a lot of noise in the morning that is just me getting ready for work"John said to me "kay good night John"I said to John going up the stairs to Stiles room and when I opened the bedroom door Stiles was in one of my hoodies that I left over here and forgot about it tell know when I seen the love of my life in it just melts my heart I pulled my phone and was getting a phots and sent the one to the pack

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