'It's time to play'

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Jonathan cried to sleep that night, while his son was laying in bed quietly waiting for his moment. After a couple of hours, Jonathan finally fell asleep and Liam opened his eyes smiling and said:'It's time to play!' He got up holding a knife and walked through the dark village feeling the snow falling in his head. He just wasn't aware of the giant circle of fire that surrounded the village and got burned. He growled like a monster and his face got all burned. After rising between the flames he destroyed every door he saw and killed every single one of those gente people. He didn't even spare his own father's life. When his work was complete, he walked away without making a sound, roaming around those empty roads.
Today we aren't sure about what happened. Some people believe that the whole town was burned and the little Liam died but others believe he still walks around those roads looking for a next victim.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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