{Chapter One}

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Through the night in Volterra just a couple of miles out of the city was a small forest,covered in mist and mystery.What was beyond this forest?Nobody knew.And nobody ever dared to look.Even the bravest men of all times were running away scared as soon as they would see the other side of the forest getting closer.Beyond this mysterious forest that held magic in it was a big magnificent castle standing there for centuries,looking down at the world from the skies.But this was not a normal castle... Everything was dead silent all around it and even more silent inside of it.Wherever you looked,every room,every story of the huge place was like dead.People in there staring at empty space their bodies looking like statues leaving not a single breathe.Everything frozen,like it was a real life painting.The clock read 12:00...Midnight.This midnight was the start of it all.The midnight that time started running again In this castle bringing the painting to life,making the statues alive and breathing creatures. 

*Anneliese POV* 

I blinked my eyes a couple of times confused.I looked around to see my mother and father having the same expressions written all over their faces."Dark magic Marthizia....Very dark magic That's what this is..."whispered my father examining the place."Father what happened?"I asked still confused and worried.The last thing I remember is sitting here with my two parents having a casual conversation and then I suddenly fell into a deep sleep but with eyes wide open.And i couldn't hear and i couldn't feel.I only could see.All I could see,for God knows how long was just a blur."He have to find Benjamin."mother said softly heading for the door."Benjamin is right here malady."He said hopping into the room through the window.Benjamin was something like a personal guard to us and my fathers chancellor."Explain what happened."my father demanded."Your grace a witch must have cursed on us and she cast a spell to freeze the time around and inside our castle."Why,what did we do?"I interrupted."We don't know yet Risa is working on it."Risa was our witch,she was to protect us when someone was threatening us with spells and magic,she just felt it when a spell was to cast but this time she failed to do her duty."Do you know for how long we were out?"my mother said pacing around the room playing with her hair,something she did when she was really anxious,and right now she had every reason to be."I don't know yet my Queen i have to go out and research." "Then do,go Benjamin!We don't have time..."my father snapped angrily something he did rarely.Benjamin was out in a blink of an eye."Anneliese just go to your room we will handle this!"mother said quietly."Mother i can't.As a future to-be-queen i have to learn how to handle situations like this!"i stood up and spoke with a passion in my voice only a true Queen could bring out.I turned to my father for support."She has a point Marthizia...She is old enough now..It's time to trust her,remember?"she sighed looking at me."Where did the time go my little princess."she chuckled hugging me."Soon you will rule all of the Vampire world."her voice showed that she was proud of me but also worried,would i be able to handle this?I was still a little baby in her eyes and that's how it's going to be forever.She was always the overprotective one when my father was the smoother one.She would yell at me and punish me when i was returning,late from the woods with dirt all over my delicate dresses that were ripped off,everywhere and with leaves and sticks in my straight and soft, like silk hair when my father would just laugh it off and saying i took after him.I was going exploring all the time,that just me.I'm adventurous and rebellious.I never listened to orders and i was never inside my quarters i would wonder around stealing my fathers bow pretending i was robin-hood.He would always catch me running around like a whole army was behind me and he would capture me in his arms,we would both laugh rolling on the marble floor playing around until mother found us,glaring at my dad.That's when he would go all tensed up and serious again lifting me up and telling me to go clean myself up at once.Mother had taken her queen role really seriously and she wanted me to take mine too as well.She was fun sometimes too but that would happen once a year.I laughed at myself drifting out of my thoughts i was all alone in the room,my parents were gone.I could hear them thought they were in the basement talking with Risa.I wasted no time and i ran there in a second."According to my vision a new Coven with a half-royal blood line payed a witch to cast the dark spell  to freeze us and have it forever so they could steal your rightful place..What she didn't know though was that the spell was to break exactly three centuries later,the same date and hour she casted it upon us." "Half-blood?"my mother exclaimed with disgust all over her face."What is the name of the Coven?"i asked."The Volturi."she answered."We have to find the Volturi Coven and reason with them."my father growled.We were the first Pure blooded vampires who ever existed on earth.Our Coven,the Leniters were the royal vampires who had the throne amongst all of the vampires."Vampires now feed on animals and sparkle in the sun..."the old witch added making the three of us gasp in pure shock."S-Sparkle?"my mother shouted terrified.We fed on humans mostly and we burned in the sun we didn't sparkle."We are leaving now,where is Benjamin!?" "Right here your grace...I have discovered we are in the 21th Century and our current date is 22 of March 2013...Humans had gone mad.Their clothing is different...More...Revealing to say the least,they are acting weirder than before.Their buildings are different.Bigger,Taller..they have something called electricity,phones and T/V..." "I can't understand all these!"mother said irritated."Keep calm my queen were are going to the Volturi now!Benjamin,bring our tracker!" "Right away my King." "Get ready we are all going..."mother spat and left the room turning  into a thick,black mist.I ran to my room and grabbed my cape.When we were all ready to go we climbed in the carriage with the tracker driving.He started driving like a madman trying to catch a scent through the fields and forests,Benjamin said it was better to go from this way so we wont attract attention.Humans are now driving big machines called cars and it would seem strange to them if they saw an 18th Century coach driving along with them.Finally after an hour and a half of awkward silence the driver spoke jumping of his seat."We're here my King."he opened the door for us and he helped me and my mother to get out.In front of us was a huge castle,above an ancient clock that read 3:00 o clock in the morning.Benjamin broke the door down and him and the tracker made a circle around us.They took their swords out expecting an army but the only thing we saw was just a tall and muscular vampire ready to attack Benjamin who was the smallest but he easily took him down rolling his eyes at him.The tracker left his hand that had  sword wander around his chest showing him that he could stab him anytime he wants."Who are you and what do you want here?"the vampire growled.I noticed that he had red eyes,instead of his natural color and i wondered why but this was not the time for that."We are here to see your Master..."my father spoke stepping forward."Who.Are.You!" "We are the Leniters!"suddenly the vampire's eyes widened with shock and disbelief and he tried to find his words again."We would like to speak to your Master!"my father growled now irritated."OK,OK just let me go first." just when Benjamin helped him up another vampire,a blonde and short one appeared."Felix what is going on here who are they?" "They are...The Leniters."he said quietly looking like a small kid who had done something bad.The other Vampire Gasped."This way please!"we walked though marble hallways with paintings and some small fires all around on our right and left.When we reached the two enormous wooden doors the two vampires stopped dead in their tracks and stayed that way looking at each other.They looked like someone had suddenly turned them into statues."Move,Get out of the way!"The tracker growled and along with Benjamin he pushed them aside kicking the doors open.We entered a bigger room made completely out of marble and with three small thrones that had three vampires sitting there looking like they didn't give a care for the world."Are you the Leader of the Volturi?"my father asked the one in the middle who had long,straight black hair and he also had red eyes like every other vampire we've seen in this place."Yes...Aro Volturi on what do I own the pleasure,dear Leniters?"so he remembered us.He had a sick smirk playing in his lips."We are here to reason with you.We know what you did three centuries ago!We know you put us out of the way to steal our throne!Give us back it belongs to us!"my father started looking furious.Aro Volturi raised an eyebrow looking confused."Don't play innocent,you thief!"my mother yelled stepping forward.A little girl walked in front of us calmly,she was beautiful with blonde hair and-again-red eyes."Pain"she mumbled but nothing happened to any of us and we looked at her like she was stupid and crazy."But...H-How...You were..Supposed...To.." my father let out a small laugh."Little girl...Your powers don't work on us.We are pure bloods,not half-bloods.Nothing can work on us."my mother smirked at her evilly and  she got angry ready to attack her."Jane!"her master said raising a hand and she immediatly stopped and walked back to her place glaring holes at us."Now...Mister Aro Volturi...We suggest you give us back our rightful potition or we will come and take what is ours with violence."father spoke darkly looking at Aro."How dare you!"another vampire sitting on the right throne yelled with anger."We rule this world for over three centuries and now you come and ask us to give it up?" "WE ARE THE VAMPIRE ROYAL FAMILY TO RULE THEM ALL!WE ARE P.U.R.E. BLOODS WE ARE THE RULING FAMILY FROM THE VERY FIRST CENTURY VAMPIRES BEGAN EXISTING!YOU STOLE OUR POWER,PUTTING A STUPID SPELL ON US THINKING YOU CAN WIN AND NOW THAT YOU FAILED YOU MAKE UP STUPID EXUSES?WE.WILL.FIGHT!LET THE KILLING BEGIN BUT I WARN YOU AND MARK MY WORDS YOUR LITTLE SMALL AND FILTHY HALF BLOOD VAMPIRES WILL ALL DIE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES ARO VOLTURI!"we all froze.Mother never yelled like that.She never did that to anyone.She was shacking and her face was ready to explode.She exited the room breaking the two doors with one small punch sending the broken pieces flying to every direction and we followed shortly after her.Before i turned to leave a looked at their "Masters" and spit on their floor glaring.

*Alec P.O.V* Once they exited the room everyone seemed to relax a little bit.Wow those vampires had some nerve.Their Queen's yells could be heard even by humans down-town.The Masters remained silent and still glaring at the door with hatred.They must be still thinking of those stupid Royals.Yes Master Aro stole their potition but it was centuries ago,couldn't they just accept it?And if no one argued or tried to get them back and they accepted us as the Royal family maybe our masters were better although we were all half bloods.Not maybe.We were better without a doupt.A few days ago we went to check on the weird-creepy half-breed of the Vegetarians and one of them Alice,the girl Aro wanted to come to our side but wouldn't,had a vision about them waking up and coming to us.We all had seen it coming why didn't the Masters do something to prevent them from coming here and yelling at us this way?They all offended us and i wanted to tear their heads off.A war was about to break now?Great...More fighting and more kills.I kind of liked that.The only exciting thing about being a member of the gurard to the Volturi was the fights.Everything else was boring to death."You are all dismissed."master Cauis said suddenly and we were all out in a flush.My sister joined me in my room while i was looking out of the window."Something bothering you dear sister?"i said without turning around to face her and i heard her plopping in my couch."Those Royals...They make my blood boil."she hissed."I know..."i simply said boringly."Everyone makes your blood boil."i said rolling my eyes at her."What's your problem Alec?" she spat angrily.I sighed.I didn't want to speak to my sister like that."I'm sorry i am just upset too..."i said walking to her and wrapping my hands around her shoulders.She faintly smiled and she turned to hug me back."It's nothing we all hate them then..." "We will take control again Jane...Like we always do."i smirked and broke our hug going to pick up a book from our library.Those royal leeches are going down.We don't have power.We are power...They don't know what they're getting themselves into...

*Anneliese P.O.V*

"We need more people!"father said pacing back and forth in our throne room. "I think that our army will do just fine!"mother argued.Two days had passed since our visit to the Volturi.Those bastards.They don't know who they're messing with."Mother what about the other members of our coven?And father's coven?"i asked eyeing them."Anneliese is right!We should bring more members!Trustworthy,good fighters,loyal..."agreed my father sitting down his golden throne."I know who are we going to call..."mother smirked darkly looking out of the window."They are going down.."she said and dissapeared.Let the war begin then...And let's see who's going to survive."Those half bloods stand no chance!"i said softly but mysteriously just how i liked it and walked out with small steps heading for one specific room inside our castle that remained locked up from the first time it was built.There lies our victory...

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