part 36

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"Sir call u in the hall mam!"one of the servent said to sanyukta who is just freshup herself few sec ago.... she headed towards the hall... where rd is siting in the dining nd his servents serve him the dinner...
rd"come here miss june. i'd like to have dinner with u"... he said without looking at her... sanyu simply take a sit beside him...servent serve her the food also...she notice there is a extra empty plate beside his plate... she wonder what is the need of that plate... after complt of serving she just wait till rd start his food... rd 1st took a full spoon of food of his plate nd put it on that empty plate... nd then he start eating his dinner... sanyu is just shoked to see this... she can still remember each nd every time rd 1st feed her from his plate then he start eating.... sanyukta hold her tears till her dinner is end...rd leave to his room after finishing his dinner... after his leave sanyukta still gaze to the spoon of that plate... she turn her head to make sure that he is gone... she took the spoon nd feed herself... nd the holded tears fell down from her eyes.... she just rushed towards her room nd closed her room nd broke down in cry.... after 1hr a servent told her that rd call her to his room...but due to crying her head startd paining.. She stand up in his room...
rd"r u ok miss june"... sanyukta shake her head indicating yes but her head is burning... Rd grab her waist in his hand nd strtd kissing her neck... sanyukta's head is buring in pain... rd place her in his bed nd make himself above her... he lyk her smell.... it  makes him crazzy every time ...its the 1st time for him... some one make him crazzy... he strtd inhalling her colerbone nd her earlobe... a tear drops down from her closed eyes due to the headeach... the tear touch rd's face then he observe her face which is express pain...
rd"r u all right miss june?"... he  ask politely... nd sanyukta shake her head..

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