The story of the 2 Jesus Child for Celestine

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Dear Celestine,

Now that you already know ,almost by heart, what happened during the first Christmas, because of our Christmas project , let me tell some secret stories behind the Christmas story, as shared with us by Rudolf Steiner.

Do you remember how Christmas last year , we discussed about love and wisdom as " the gifts of the spirit" which you want for Christmas?

Well , This year, let's bring up the idea of love and wisdom at Christmas time again but .in a different way .

And, what Rudolf Steiner especially explained about these gifts , in relation to Christmas.

As you know , he can read the akashic records, so he researched there and found out the following spiritual facts invisible to ordinary "seeing"

2 jesus child: 2 Christmas stories

There were 2 Christmas stories, one from Luke and one from Matthew,

because 2 " Jesus Child " were born-

each of them from parents named Joseph and Mary.

The Jesus Child of Luke was from Nazareth

Luke gave us his ancestral lineage from the Nathan line of David .

Jesus of the Luke gospel was born after the Massacre of innocent children by Herod.

His birth quietly took place , also in Bethlehem ,as prophesied , but was known only by simple shepherds who experienced visions from angels about the great event of Jesus 's birth in a humble corner of Bethlehem.

Steiner declared that the Jesus Child of Luke was given a soul that was so pure because it was drawn from the original Adam of Paradise before Adam chose to adventure into the world of evil ,instead of remaining under God's guidance .

That first Adam began the human race which slowly declined in goodness and likeness to God.

That is why , to give man another chance to re-make mankind, God allowed the descent of a man with the nature and qualities of the original Adam as God had intended .He gave those spiritual gifts of purity to the Jesus Child of Luke . 

The Jesus child of Matthew was from Bethlehem and has his own ancestral genealogy from the Solomon line of David

The Jesus Child of Matthew was sought by 3 Wise Men ( spiritual kings) from the East .

Evil King Herod became fearful of the prophecies about a great king who could replace him in greatness and tried to kill all infants who were born who could be who the 3 Wise men were looking for.

Warned of this threat to the life of the Jesus Child by an angel, the Jesus Child of Matthew escaped to Egypt with his parents and the Holy Family returned back to Palestine , only after Herod had died.

They re-settled in the quiet and insignificance of Nazareth town , because they still feared Herod's older brother who took over the throne

Buddhain the life of  the Jesus-child  of Luke  

Steiner said that the spirit of Buddha , that human being who had also cleansed his own soul so thoroughly during his own lifetime ( 6 centuries before Jesus) was present as the choir of angels that recognized the descent of the pure soul of the Jesus Child of Luke and shared /joined his pure spiritual forces with the Jesus child, throughout Jesus 's life, thus giving him such a magnificent store of compassion and Love in his soul.   

Zarathustrain the Jesus child of Matthew 

The Jesus Child of Matthew , on the other hand was given the spirit of Zarathustra who is a great spiritual sage from Persia who has guided mankind through the centuries as Hermes , Moses and Nazarathos , the teacher of Pythagoras.

His spirit of wisdom was re- born in the Jesus child of Matthew and this was recognized by three sages from the EAST WHO WERE FOLLOWERS AND ADEPTS OF THE WISDOM OF Zarathustra.


When the 2 Jesus children reached 12 years old, the spirit and wisdom of Zarathustra was absorbed in the being of the Jesus Child of Luke, as recorded in the incident at the Temple.

The Two became One.

The Jesus of Nazareth who eventually became The Christ during the Baptism at the Jordan river thereby evolved with the soul of the original Adam and the greatest earth- wisdom of the Zarathustra spirit .

Jesus of Nazareth was a human being who was so perfect in nature and substance , he was deemed adequate to receive the divine spirit of Christ and express the Christ spirit and message to the world.

That is how God became a Man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

When you are bigger, you can study in greater detail and with deeper understanding how this great mystery took place, from the notes I have compiled below.

Love , Mama     

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