My dear darlings who hate me...

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Deal with it. You hate me. You are such a negative being, who would want to be your friend. You only hate because you ain't me. Sorry, but I got news for you. I'm better than you. You decide to hate me because you are so envious and you don't want to admit it. I know that I'm amazing. I've learned to love myself. You may say "that's selfish or petty to say that you're amazing". That's weird though. Society says "you don't know you're beautiful", but what if I know I'm beautiful. If people are just going to say you are when you say you're not, then what's the point. Society is basically saying that it is only okay for someone else to tell you're beautiful. Society should be teaching us how to love ourselves, not JUST each other. After all, you can't love somebody if you don't love yourself. It's not healthy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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