Chapter 1

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- July 4th, 2014 -

Jake looked out the large, glass window, sighing. He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes. "Why weren't we allowed in the barn?" He asked, pouting. Cam stood next to him. "Because, maybe they're doing some weird lesbian stuff in there." He shrugged. Jake giggled and covered his mouth. Moe sat at the counter with Harley and Matt. Harley chugged his beer, smirking to himself. Moe looked over at him. "Why are you drinking?" He spat, staring. Harley slowly looked over at Moe and sighed, closing his eyes. "Shut up. I'm so stressed." He said. Moe rolled his eyes.

Jack, Quinn, Justin, Harriet, Luna, and Matthew stood outside of Moe's house, staring at the front door. "Shall we split up?" Jack asks. Harriet nods. "Let's go spy on them. I bet they're talking about how to beat us at the state competitions," she adds. Quinn snickers. The 6 of them split up around the house, and the barn.

"Oh my god. I can't believe you said that," Gwen says, smiling at Elcie. Elcie shrugs. "What can I say? I have my ways." The girls giggle. "So, I'll be right back!" Elcie says, walking out of the barn. Seema yawns and looks at Kayla. "So, who do you guys have crushes on?" She asks. Kayla, Gwen, and Katy blush. "Tell us who you like!" Katy exclaims, smirking. Seema opens her mouth to answer, but they hear the barn door creak open. The girls turn and face the door. "Elcie?" Kayla asks. The girls stand and slowly walk towards the door. Gwen gulps and reaches out to open it. As she reaches out, the door opens and Elcie jump scares them. The girls squeal and back up. Elcie laughs, closing the door back. "Ha! You should have seen your faces," she exclaims, sitting back down. The girls giggle and sit also.

- Time: 2:32 AM. -

Seema rolls over and hits Kayla's side. She groans and slowly sits up. Seema sees the barn door open. She notices that Elcie and Katy are gone. Seema tilts her head and rubs her eyes, standing. "Elcie?" She calls. "Katy?" She steps closer to the door and watches Katy walk back to her. "What's wrong, Katy?" She asks.

Gwen and Kayla wake and stand next to Seema. Gwen bites her lip, trembling. "I can't find Elcie," she says. "And . . . I think I heard her scream."

- - August 29th, 2015 - -

"It has been a year since Elcie Regan has gone missing. Police still have hope that they will find her," the news reporter says. Jack and Quinn sigh. "They should let it go," Jack says. "It's been a year. She's probably already dead by now." Quinn shrugs. "Eh, maybe. I dunno. I just have a feeling that she's alive. Anyways. Let's hurry up and get to class," he says.

"Can anyone tell me what X equals?" Mr. Rouge asks. Moe raises his hand. "Um, 35 sir?" He says. The teacher nods. "Good. Now, can anyone tell me what X equals for question 4. . ." He looks around the room and stops on Jake. "Ah, Jake." He says. Jake looks up from his phone. "Sorry, what?" He asks. The teacher sighs and closes his eyes. He walks over and glares down at him. "Detention. After school." He says. Jake gasps. "But today's Friday!" He complains. The bell rings for home, and Jake stays at his seat. Cam stops at his desk and slides into the desk beside him. "What're you doing?!" Jake whispers. Cam smirks. "Staying with you. I'm not letting you stay behind." He says, smiling. Jake nods and faces forward.

"So, any plans?" Seema asks Kayla, Gwen and Katy. "I'm going shopping with Harley and Moe," Kayla states. "I have to hurry up. See you guys later!" She says, running to her car. Seema sighs and walks to her car with Gwen and Katy. "What do you guys want to do?" She asks. The two look at each other and look back at Seema. "Why not invite Matt, Jake and Cam over? Of course, after Jake and Cam get home." Katy suggests. Seema nods, agreeing to the idea.

Luna sips her lemonade, on her couch with Harriet. "What do you think they're doing upstairs?" Harriet asks. Luna glances at her. "Probably just being annoying boys," she replies. Harriet giggles and fixes her hair. "So. Do-" Harriet is interrupted by Jack and Quinn running downstairs. Luna glares over at them arguing over Justin. "What's going on?!" Harriet yells. Justin runs downstairs, cursing. "Fuck you both!" He yells, and slams the door once leaving. Harriet and Luna are confused and stunned, left questioning what happened.

Leaves blow, as a chilly feel fills the air. Jake and Cam walk towards Seema's house, chatting. "Do you really think that Elcie's gone?" Cam asks, looking at Jake. He sighs, and shrugs. "I don't know what to believe anymore," he says, glaring at the ground. Cam nods and bites his lip. "It's just, Elcie was mean to everyone. I'm not saying that she just deserved it, I'm saying that . . . It could be better without her gone," Cam states. Jake nods, walking up to Seema's doorstep. Suddenly, a tree branch snaps in the woods behind her house. Cam and Jake turn to look at the woods. "Did you hear that?" Jake asks, shaking. He grabs Cam's arm as someone comes closer. "Who is that?!" Cam shouts. The person runs off. The two glare at each other, frightened.

Suddenly, their phone beeps. They both look down and see they have received a text from a blocked number. They slide open their phone and read the message. It says;

'I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything.

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