New Game!

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(Y/n)'s Pov
I watched as Kuma smashed his cute little mallet against the podium. "Meeting adjured!" All of the other students started to get up and leave. While I stayed behind. Kuma has been down lately and I want to find out why. "Hi Kuma." I started. "Get out of here (y/n)." Disappointment washed over me as he wouldn't even give me the time of day. "But..." I argued but was cut off. "Get out now." He said in a threatening voice. I was almost on the verge of tears all ready. No one had used the tone of voice with me before. Can't he see that I have his best interests at heart. All I want is to be his fr- "Sorry I forgot my-" a voice came from behind me. It was {~+##<|\ %</;)3. She froze as she felt the tension in the room. "I'm sorry am I interrupting." I shook my head. "No. I was just leaving." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room shutting the door behind me. I know he's not bad. Just misunderstood and confused. That's all. I thought as I headed for the school gate.

Monokuma's Pov
(Y/n) had just left the room now I'm stuck with }~>{\|>£!<{. "Grab what you need and go." I told her as I turned away walking towards the door as well. "This new dreary personality. It isn't like you at all..." I continued walking, not listening to her rambling. "...Monokuma" My eyes widened. I turned to face her. "Aww you look mad :3" I stayed silent. "Are you upset about someone figuring out your secret?" I stayed silent and still. "Well are you upset?" I took a step forward. "Upset?" I asked in a monotoned manner. "Upset?" I repeated. "I'm delighted!" She looked at me confused. "I wondered when someone would finally use their brain!" I said excitedly. I took a step forward once more and she took a step back this time. I took another step forward and she took another step back. "I'm glad your glad." She answered shyly with a small smile. "But..." I added. "I'm still going to half to kill you." "What?" She answered in a shocked tone. "Yeah. You see no one can know who I am. It'll ruin my game." I tackled her to the ground and wrapped my hands around her throat. I began to strangle her slowly. My grip getting tighter and tighter. My smile getting wider and wider. (,:)&@,:$3/$8 gasped out and tried to catch her breath. "Wait" she managed to say before my grip got to tight. "Oh... What now?" She grabbed my wrist and tried to pull my hands off her throat. "You want some final words" I asked her, even though I knew she couldn't answer. "Hmm..... I don't see why not." I let go off er neck but stayed on top of her. She was hyperventilating. Her body tried to get in as much air as it could. "Now what do you want to say?" "I-(gasp)-want-(gasp)-to help" she answered. "Help? How could you help me? All you will do is rat me out." She final regained her breath and could talk normally. "Why would I do that? I have been dreaming of the day when total despair would return to the earth. After master Junko died, we thought we would never see the symbol of despair again. Yet here you are." She got on her knees and bowed. "I am your secret weapon. I am your pawn. Please let me reek havoc on these students. Please!" I stroked my chin thoughtfully and hummed. "Whose we?" "Your loyal followers." "That's not a good enough answer." "I'm afraid that's all I know Master Monokuma." "Master? I like the sound of that."  I pulled her up by her hair forcefully making her look up at me. "That is how you will address me when you are sure no one can hear. Other than that you will not address me at all. Is that understood?" She nodded. "Yes Master Monokuma." "You will be a fly on the wall and obtain as much information about my players and report back to me. I want to know there strengths, their weaknesses, their fears everything!" "Yes Master Monokuma." "You really are a super high school level pawn aren't you?" "Yes. I will do anything for Master Monokuma." I snickered evilly. "Then get to work pawn~" 

DanganRonpa: Monokuma x Naive! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now