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It took the rest of the night and most of the next day to reach the Twilight Sepulcher. From the outside, it didn't look like a Daedric temple or whatever it was supposed to be. It actually looked like the outside of a Nordic ruin. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all.

I scoffed to myself as I pushed the door open. As if things were ever that easy.

I stepped into a massive hall lit by stone braziers placed at regular intervals. The ceiling loomed high above me, and some crumbled pillars left chucks of debris scattered across the floor. While impressive, the hall seemed to be falling apart. It was a shame to see it falling slowly into ruin.

As I stepped closer to the end, where a set of low stairs led to a huge doorway, a semitransparent apparition stepped in my way. The figure seemed to be wearing Nightingale armor.

He held his hands in front of himself, motioning for me to halt. "I don't recognize you, but I sense that you're one of us. Who are you?"

I quirked an eyebrow. "I'd ask the same question of you."

He heaved what sounded like a sigh. "The last of the Nightingale Sentinels, I'm afraid. I've defended the Sepulcher alone for what seems like an eternity."

"The last? What happened to the rest?"

"We were betrayed by one of our own kind. In fact, I'm to blame for what's happened here."

"How are you to blame?"

"I was blinded. Blinded by dark treachery masquerading as friendship. Perhaps if I had been more vigilant, then Mercer Frey wouldn't have lured me to my fate and stolen the Skeleton Key."

When I realized what he was saying, my eyes shot wide open and my entire body stiffened. I yanked my cowl off and stared, mouth wide open, at the man in front of me. "Wait a moment.... You're Gallus!"

Gallus's voice changed, his tone now surprised and a little warmer. "I haven't heard that name in a long time. How do you know of me?"

"Long story. Would love to tell it, but I think I'll just show you." I reached into my satchel and held out the Skeleton Key. "I have the Key."

"The Key!" He became excited, his hands clenched in front of him and shoulders no longer slumped. "You have the Skeleton Key! I never thought I'd see it again. And Mercer Frey?"


"Then... it's over and my death wasn't in vain. I owe you a great deal, Nightingale."

I shook my head. "I did this to honor the Guild."

I could almost see him smiling behind his cowl. "Then you've done the Guild a great deed. And although they may not show it, I'm certain they appreciate your sacrifices." Then, his tone fell, and his head drooped. "My only regret is that you had to undertake this task alone."

"Karliah helped me."

"Karliah? She's still alive? I feared she'd befallen the same fate, ending up a victim of Mercer's betrayal."

"I assure you, she's perfectly well."

His shoulders sagged in relief. "Thank Nocturnal. All that's left now is to undo the damage Mercer caused when he murdered me and stole the Key."

I held out the Key, hoping he would take it. "Then take the Key and right all the wrongs."

"Nothing would bring me more pride than to return the Key, but I'm afraid it's impossible. From the moment I arrived here, I've felt myself... well... dying."

"How can a spirit die?"

"The Sepulcher isn't merely a temple or a vault to house the Key. Within these walls is the Ebonmere... a conduit to Nocturnal's realm of Evergloam. When Mercer stole the Key, that conduit closed, severely limiting our ties to her."

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