Secretly Admiring the Beauty

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Hi guys! Umm, sadly I didn't win the secret admirer contest, but I hope you enjoy this Beauty and the Beast AU one-shot, nonetheless! Be sure to express your thoughts and fangirling emotions in the comments section at any time while your reading! Thanks for all the support! Love y'all!




Belle's fingers flicked across the keyboard like a mouse in a maze. Every thought, every emotion she felt, was just flowing out of her like flood.

Until she wrote the very last word, punctuated, and clicked publish.

She leaned back against her bed frame and cracked her knuckles.

"All in a week's work!"

Belle smiled to herself, and scanned her recently published chapter on her fanfiction, but her eyes seemed to drift beyond the laptop and onto the empty bed across from her.

She'd never really had any close friends her age before or after she'd enrolled herself into Arendelle Academy, the peculiar underground boarding school. It seemed that everyone was much more interested in skipping class or pulling pranks with their powers than reading or doing something enjoyable and productive.

She sat back and wondered what life would have been like if her father hadn't conveniently gotten a job at this school for people like her. Special people.

Obviously her power wasn't as extraordinary or unique as some others she'd seen, but it was impressive nonetheless.

Belle had the ability to encourage emotions through brain waves.

She could make you sad or happy or even sleepy.

It was nice, for her, knowing that she was capable of wreaking so much havoc, but she had enough responsibility to keep her gift under control, instead of in control.

She was even on her way to mastering her second power, happiness, the ability to make people happy by speaking or singing.

It was pretty overrated in her opinion because she did already have her other ability.

But she guessed that it was necessary for her to have a power that she couldn't control for her to even be eligible to go to this school.

She'd been coming to Arendelle Academy since she was ten years old.

Granted, she was a special case, since it was really only for high schoolers, but in her defense, she was dubbed "more mature than most" by many adults, growing up.

"Belle! You, in there?"

She heard her sophomore friend Mulan shout from the other side of her door.


Belle shut her laptop, slipped on her old brown flats and was about to walk out the door, when her foot landed on a piece of paper.

She gingerly bent down and plucked it from under her shoe, as Mulan and her date Shang both watched her impatiently.

"C'mon, let's go already! The Valentine's dance won't wait for us, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, you guys go ahead, I'll just stay right . . . here."

The formally dressed couple walked away hand-in-hand, while Belle read the note by her door.

What if it was a clue to a mystery! Or a ripped piece of ancient text! Or maybe it could be a flyer for a missing animal that she'd soon start a search party for!

Secretly Admiring The Beauty [Belle and the Beast/Prince Adam]Where stories live. Discover now