chapterXVIII: issues...

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As I take a late nite flight I'm suddenly intercepted by corp fighter jets. I increased flight speeds and try to escape them. These smart basterds lured me over a corp base and I was imeadietly shot down by some aero flak cannons and missile lounchers. as I plummut to the ground I enable my armuor and ax. Spotlights start tracking me the faster I fall. I impact and cause a giant explosian. I get up and a corp scientist and generals greet me. I put my ax on my shoulder and hold out my hand. The scientist grabs my hand and gave me a handshake. "That whasnt the nicest greeting but whatever I'm here to listen." I said. The generals loaded their guns and aim at me "wow guys he's not attacking... Yet no need for hostilities." Said the scientist. I take off my helmet and said "your someone I'm willing to communicate. So doc my name is blaze, what would you like to talk about." The scientist smiles at me and said "its about your combat arsonal. I saw your previous battle and you guys where extremely overpowered for our troops. We thought we could communicate because we also saw how u disarmed your few troops and let us reatreat peacfully. So we wanted to coopparate." I unequip my battle ax and put my hands behind my back. "Whwll you see umm... I should be OK with it. But you guys stole my friends families and im, *they're* trying to retreave them so they joined forces with me. Return them and than I will cooperate with you." The scientist pouds and said "well need to give that some thoght." I pull out a console out of my armuor and teleport back to bio corp. "Than I guess I'll see you around." I muttered as I teleported.

I teleported into my room and and took off my armuor. Caroline pops up behind me with a knife. "WHO WHERE YOU WITH... WHATS HER NAME!?!?" I grab the knife and pull it out of her hands. "I was with yellow err... My scientist talking about a couple of things." She squints her eyes at me and said "OK than..." Afterwherds I grabbed her by the waist and threw her on the bed. I crawl into my sheets and snuggle with Caroline till she fell asleep. I can't sleep cuz I have insomnia so I guess I'll be here for an hour or two.🔜 in the morning.🔚 I wake up, do a daily routean of breakfast brushing my teath and other stuff. Afterwerds I decided to check up on the others. I checked in with James first. He was sort of getting the hang of a new console we made, the bio gear mark three where you can have a simulation of any battle. I than headed over to aeron and hope. They seemed a little upset at eatchothar. Than I went to ripcirds. He was teaching his class like always. I head ovar to aidens and nothing much. He was just playing the Xbox 890. Nothing much really happones. Some time flew by and I decided to go the earth's forest and just take in some freash air.I did some walking and saw a small village. I went to the village as a tourist and looked around ate at a restaurant for a bit and just casual things you know. I wish it where casual cuz dinner or later some corp guy come wrecking the place. Only they didn't really do anything they where yust passing by for a security check. Some citysens where waveing and stuff but I just sat there. A little boy with a ball passed by me. He was playing with his friends that ran past me a while later. The poor boy dropped his ball and when to reatrive it. But it was in the way of the passing corp tank. I didn't think the driver saw him because he wasn't stopping. I run over to help the boy but the tank kepst coming. I grabbed the boy and tryes to take him to safty but the tank got to me as I was getting him. I said SCREW IT and stopped the tank with a wing slice. It just dameged the tracks nothing serious. The boy got scared and ran away. A lot of people around started yelling and saying I was a deamon. The soldiers came running at me shooting. I locked them all in a water barriour and said "you know... You guys are pretty stupid shooting like that with cevilians around." I realese the water barriour and the soldiers aim at me. The tank lowers its berral to my face. All of a sudden I hear a giant scream. It was a corp soldier just with difrent armuor and was in a meck. He tried stepping on me and stomped continuously. I grabbed the foot and slammed the meck. I went "YEET" and jumped up onto the cockpit. I stomp on the glass and said "your also pritty stupid." They guy in the cockpit opponed the hatch and let me in. Note to self don't say someone's a guy by what their whering. It was a she. She was deced with armuor and said "here take this radio the general told me to give it to you. " she hands me a radio and I hold it up to my ear. "Ahh blaze. Its so nice to finally talk with you again." It was the scientist from yesterday. "I smiled and replied with "hey doc. So did u make up your mined about you know what?" He starts mumbling to someone next to him and said. "Where in a bit if a pickl you see. Apperently the scientist here said they can't give them ovar. Their um... Valuable. Isn't their another way we can cooparate?" I hang up and gave the meck pilot girl a look. "Don't know what you corp need with my friends parants but whutever." I jumped out the cockpit before she said anything and started to fly off. I fly into a hangerbay door in a biocorp's extirriour and walked over to the main deck.

Yui aeron James rip and the othars where their. Yui was holding someone's hand. Couldn't remember my head was suddenly hurting like crazy. But whatever. My recon and scout team leader, we call him apprentice, came up to me and said we had bad news. I couldn't remember much of what happened my head messed up much. But I could make out that the corp apparently have mutants now. I think to my self, God I should let the scouts have a car or something they whernt armed at all. Afterwards rip gives aeron a shiny black sword and said we'll head out somewhere. I gave aeron my bow and arrows. Afterwords we went to this forest or land or something. Still can't remember much. At the start of the battle I passed out. Couldn't do anything. Rip woke me when the monster was defeated. I think it was my injery to the eye. Aeron comes at me laphing saying "Ahahaha blaze what was that dude u fainted!" -his face (XD)- I can nearly stand up, and everything's spinning. Aerom realizes something's wrong and trys to walk over. But I vomited and passed out again.

I wake up a while later. I'm at a biocorp hospital with a lot of my doctors and nurses around. Candycain came up to me and told me what have happened. She said I have a flue and a really nasty fever. They told me I couldn't fight or do anything. But... I whounder how I got sick. She puts her hand on my shoulder and said "ummm... Look blaze your mental state is slightly changing as well. That shot you took to the face has done some um... 'Bad' things to your frontal lobe." I lay there trying to not fall asleep and said "so dose that mean I have the risk of going insane?" She turns around and said "that should be correct sir." I stood up and said "I need food." They insisted I stay in bed and that they'll bring me food. A while later Caroline walks in, and she was crying. She looked older though. She came running to me and was raining an ocean of tears as she hugged me. "Blaze I'm so glad you finally woke up from that 3 year coma." I try to prices what happened only it didn't click for some reason. I hugged her and said "what do you mean by coma?" She looks at me and said "they didn't tell you did they? You where in a coma after you passed out." I tilt my head and said "naw that can't be true." She grabs my hair and pulled it in front of my face. It was longer and had a little bit of gray in it. I stared for a few seconds. "Um I'm confyused what's going on. "She hugs me and said "blaze... You should rest the othars will be here tomarow so you should rest up."

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