
811 27 4

                  { Reader pov }

2 days passed. You were pumped. Like seriously pumped. You were determined to look your best and be on your best behavior. You were pampering yourself all morning/afternoon. You had gotten your hair and nails done with a fancy 8-ball design on them. Dang. Yesterday you even decided to buy yourself a swag new outfit which were some blue converse, a pair of new jeans and a sick new tee. After sighing, you looked at yourslef in the mirror and gave yourself a thumbs up. 

                 { Vriska pov }

Ohh you were nervous af. You actually were shaking.  You didn't really dress up or anything. You wore your usual black tee whith your jeans and your jacket. The usual. After a while you were chill enough to actually function. You make your way over to the computer and pester youre matesprit.

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began pestering chumHandle [CH] --

AG: Heeeeeeeey.

CH: Oh hey, Vris! Are you excited about today?!?!

AG: Oh yeah of course, 8a8e. 8ut i'm also a little 8it nervous........

CH: Aweeee. Why? I mean theres no reason to be.

AG: I mean what if you think i'm a huge 8itch like all of the others ::::(

CH: Vris, I would never think that of you.. you know i love you.

AG: Yeah. Anyways, i'll see you l8r, 8a8e.

AG: Byeeeeeeee :::;)

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased pestering chumHandle [CH]

                      { Reader pov }

You sigh and shake your head. It makes you quite mad when she says bad things about herself. Anyways, you decide to take a nap to pass some time since you still had a few hours left. You lay on the couch and drift off into a peaceful rest.

Vriska x Reader ~ Lucky number 8Where stories live. Discover now