Pet Names . Poofless

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I've low key been procrastinating uploading this because I already wrote this out on paper,,, yes this is the poofless fic I mentioned two chapters ago. Enjoy loves

Preston's POV
I sat in the full classroom, waiting for my English teacher to arrive. The door opened and I looked up from my blank notebook in front of me. My tall blonde bestfriend entered silently and took the seat next to mine.

"Yo have you seen the new kid? He pulled up on a motorcycle earlier, kid looks like a total badass" His Australian accent fills my ears and he grins at me. New kid?

"Who?" I stared blankly at him and blinked, having no idea who he was mentioning.

"I don't know his name but he's cute" Lachlan winked and I rolled my eyes, blushing slightly.

"Badasses aren't gay you pleb"

I laugh slightly and shove him, pulling him into a fit of giggles. Lachlan was always trying to set me up with cute boys, none of them ever worked out.

"Where's Mr Kap anyways?" I push the new kid out of my mind and question the Aussie.

"Maybe he's getting the gay badass" Once again he grins and I groan, throwing my head back and rolling my eyes.


      First period ended rather quick, while on my way to my science class I find myself scanning the halls for an unfamiliar new face. With no luck in spotting the new kid I take my seat in my second period. Teenagers converse around me and I tap my pencil on my desk, waiting for class to start.
       Ms Harth, my teacher, silences the class and begins talking.

"Now, as some of you may know we have a new student joining us today."
    My attention immediately diverts from my pencil to the front of the room, the tool falls out of my grip when I look up. The most beautiful boy I've ever seen is standing there, making eye contact with me. I freeze and stare into his gorgeous hazel eyes, feeling the blush rising to my checks I look back at the teacher.

"You can take a seat wherever is free Robert."
Ms Harth says. I must have missed his introduction while attending my mini stare contest with the ne- Robert. He definitely looks like a Robert.

Rob walks my way and I look back at my pencil on the floor. I go to grab it from its placement but Rob beats me to it and sets it on my desk, smirking slightly.

"You dropped something"
He says before sitting in the seat behind mine. Ohmygod even his voice is adorable God help me. I can't find any words to say so I keep silent and try to hide my face in my hands. Ms Harth begins her lesson and I hear his sweet voice once again, quieter this time.

"No thank you? Where are your manners darling?"
I want to melt in my place when he calls me darling. I needed to say something back. I turned my head to face him slightly and began speaking.

"S-Sorry. I uh- thanks for my pencil"
Oh my gosh why am I so awkward why can I not function like a normal human being?

"Anytime babe"
Whats with the bad boy and pet names, more importantly why does my heart shake when he calls me them? I turned back around quickly, not wanting him to see me blushing.

Throughout the remainder of the class Rob, thankfully, hadn't said a word to me. I wasn't sure if I could handle more of his sweet talk. I already kept replaying the moments of him calling me 'babe' and 'darling ' in my mind a million times.

I look over at the door and I see the top of Lachlans blonde head through the small window. He stands on his toes so I can see his eyes and I can tell he's smiling. He waves and I look at the clock. About 3 minutes till class releases, gym must have let out early.

Suddenly, I feel a Robs breath against my neck as he whispers something in my ear. I freeze, blushing.

"Is that your boyfriend, buttercup?"
I wanted the floor to swallow me up, the new kid had just called me buttercup. I shake my head slightly, not trusting myself to say anything.

Class is dismissed, I pull myself out of my seat but before I can walk towards a waiting Australian Rob pulls me back by tugging on my bag.

"Oi, what's your name lovely?"
Again, with those stupid names that my heart couldn't handle.

Silently I let out a prayer that I didn't stutter while talking.

"Where are you headed next bunny?"
Bunny? What? What's his deal...

I'm 110% sure my face is bright red.


"Damn, I've got drama. See you around little flame."
He walks past me and exits. I watch him pass Lachlan, patting his shoulder and continuing on his way silently.

"Dude." Lachlan says, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Lachy, I think the badass might be gay."


Lachlan persuades me to skip my next class with him, he drives us to the Five guys down the road.

"Tell me everything." It's a bit difficult trying to make out his words, seeing as he's also shoving fries in his face.

I laugh and take a sip of my milkshake.

"He called me like, 300 different pet names."

His contagious laughter fills our booth in the restaurant and I laugh along with him.

"Like what?" Lachlan takes another fry, dipping it into my shake before stuffing it inside his mouth.

"Bunny. Buttercup. Darling. Babe. Little flame." I blushed, thinking of the moments that happened only a few minutes ago.

"I can see where he got little flame from, your face is lit right now mate" Once again he explodes with laughter and I roll my eyes, covering my face with my hands, attempting to hide my giggles.

I fill Lachlan in on the events that happened in my previous class and two milkshakes later we walk outside, back into lachlans car.

"Preston I don't wanna go baackkkk" Lachlan complains, driving back to school. I laugh and turn the radio on, agreeing.

"Me neither, but hey we skipped two periods so we've only got lunch and study hall." Maybe Rob will show up at lunch and sit with us..

"True.. Maybe your boyfriend will sit with us" I blush and the the Australian winks, laughing at me.

sorry for yelling carry on

stay classy

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