Chapter 3 Adam POV

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"Ya need to cut tha hair, boy, tie it up at least."
Adam looked up from the dishes he was washing. The afternoon light shown on Hal, an old potbellied man with a greasy mustache stood before him. His voice was scratchy and low.
"Haha yah...," He pinched a lock of his hair between his fingers. "I just don't have the time to cut it." Adam smiled nervously.
The old man snickered. "Eer yee go, son." He pulled a piece of twine from his pocket and handed it to Adam. "Should wurk for the time bein'."
"Oh, thank you, sir," He took it and pulled back his hair into stubby ponytail. The old man chuckled and left.

Adam then resumed to his chores, scrubbing away all the grease and grim. He didn't talk to the other servants when he did his work, and vise versa. It's been such a busy couple of days that everyone didn't have the time. So minutes turned to hours and as Adam finished his last chore of washing and folding the sheets, he saw the sun set over the rolling hills. "Damn, it's been this long, huh?" he muttered.
Adam stood up and stretched, taking the wimpy twine from his hair and rolled it around his finger before tucking it in his smock.
Ok, how am I gunna cut this? He thought, stroking his hair. Looking around the cold, empty kitchen, he spotted a pair of slightly rusted scissors used in cutting the banners for the ball. He picked it up and examined it. Never cut my own hair before... I'm sure it's fine.
Without a mirror, he started at this bangs and began snipping, Maybe a little shorter?
"What are you doing?" said a rather loud voice behind him.
Adam turned sharply, about to cut a huge lock of hair. There, at the door, stood the prince's friend, Marcus. Adam didn't know him all that well but just enough to know who he was.
Adam released his hair and slammed the scissors on the table. "C-cutting my hair, sir Marcus...sir."
Marcus studied Adam, and laughing to himself. "Really?" Marcus walked over to a lone table a little ways from where Adam was, and sat down. "Can you take a short break and make me something to eat?"
"You didn't eat today, sir?" Adam opened the cupboards. "The chefs made a wonderful dinner today."
"Eh, I'm wasn't too interested in today's menu" Marcus rested his head on his hand.
"Hm." Adam replied. He rummaged through the cabinet and pulled out some fancy cheese that smelled kind of foul, a ham, and a two loaves of bread that a chef had baked that morning. "How does ham, bread, and cheese sound?" He turned to see Marcus's response, which was just a nod.
"Okay, then." Adam began slicing the ingredients into relatively thin pieces and placed ham and cheese on the toasted bread slices. He grabbed a bottle of fancy looking wine and poured it into a cup. "Enjoy." Adam smiled.
Marcus looked down at his midnight snack. "Wow. What do you call it."
"Ham and Cheese sandwich."
"Oh." Marcus took a bite of the sandwich.
Adam placed his elbows on the table and leaned in to see Marcus's reaction to the meal. "So?"
"Mmh....pretty good." Marcus nodded.
"Great." Adam smiled brightly. "I've been in this kitchen all day. It would be sad if I didn't know how to make a basic meal."
Marcus chuckled "I guess." Marcus's gaze fell on Adams hair and he pointed to it. "You gunna fix that?"
"Huh?" Adam placed a hand on top his head. "OH, yah I guess as soon as you leave."
"Oh please. When I walked in, you looked like a two year old with scissors." Marcus said matter-of-factly pointing a bread crust at him.
Adam scratched his head,"Haha, yah....."
Marcus finished his meal and stood up. "Come with me."
"I got a hair guy."
"A what..."
"A barber"
"Oh...well you don't have to do that its ok...really."
Marcus scoffed, "We live in the same castle and you expect me to stand that haircut from hell."

Their footsteps echoed across the halls. Everyone has gone to sleep and the castle had an unsettling silence after days of scurried maids.
"You sure it's okay to wake him?" Adam sighed."It's pretty late."
"Oh, it's fine." Marcus waved his hand. "That guy loves me."
Adam looked at Marcus doubtfully. "Ok, suit yourself."

They arrived at a door that had a polished marble finish and a copper handle.
(Author note: Honestly like every other damn door in this castle.)
Marcus sent three heavy knocks on the door "Mr. Finnegan!" he cooed, "you got a customer!"
What an obnoxious person, Adam thought.
"Oh yah,"Adam said sarcastically, "he loves you."
Marcus ignored him. "I got a kid here who needs a haircut." He pointed at Adam even though the closed door blocked them.
"I'm at least 2 years younger than you, I'm not a kid."Adam mumbled.
There was a long pause and then the door knob turned. Mr. Finnegan peaked out, glaring at Marcus, "Someday," he groaned, "I'm gunna beat you into a bloody pulp."
Marcus grinned.
Mr. Finnegan was a sort of odd looking man. His tired grey eyes made him seem like a grouchy old man, but his smile lines told another story. His brown/grey hair was short and stuck out in all directions. What stood out the most was that Mr. Finnegan was a man of short stature, probably no more than five feet tall. When he finally opened the door, Adam noticed him straightening his back and trying to use every bit of height that he had.
"This guy needs a haircut?" Mr. Finnegan motioned his head to Adam. He looked Adam up and down, "This guy needs a haircut." He opened the door wider. "Come in."

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