Chapter One- Guide to Sleepovers

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"I dare you to, Become a triplet" Kenixe muttered as spit up my pop onto my wool carpet

"Hell-O" I said as my mom busted through the door with chips and candy. I manage to throw a blanket over the pop spit before she recognized it. She smiled at me and backed out of the door closing it. "As I was saying, Hell No!!" I screamed quietly so my mom wouldn't hear me cuss. "Come on" she said looking at me while popping sweet tarts into her mouth. "Why would I become a triplet" I said, "Tyler" she said looking at me as I dreamed about Tyler his blonde hair swooping over his face and his smile. "I don't like him" I said lying as I grabbed a hand full of chips and shove them into my face. "Ok, not for Tyler than for the experience, cause at the end of the year will all be in different collages and you will be abroad in Paris" Kenixe said and I knew she had a point. "Fine" I said regretting it as she smiled and drank some coke. "Ok it's simple all you got to do is act like them" she said, "So, Bitchy" I said and she laughed as she starting popping more sweet tarts in her mouth. "Yep" she said with a mouth full of sweet tarts. "Are we ever going to start our homework "I said trying to change the subject "Why would we do that?" Kenixe asked. " Because we have school tomorrow and your mom already hates me without getting you below your 4.0 GPA" I said rolling over to grab my drink which was on my night stand, and taking a sip and putting it back. "Fine" she said "How about French" I said pulling out my French folder out of my book bag. I looked at the homework and smiled at how easy it was. "Hey, what did you get for number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and 10" she said looking at me with her pencil flipping in her hand. "You know there's only 10 question's right?" I asked her looking at the homework. "Yep, I sorry if not everyone can be good at French" she said closing her folder and throwing her pencil across the room. I sighed and closed my folder and turned on some music, while getting ready for bed. "So Play on, Play on, Play on" I sang as I put my hair in a ponytail. "Can you shut up" Kenixe said as she threw a pillow at me. I jumped on my bed and opened my laptop; I check the school's website Hello Losers: Tomorrow, Triplet try outs. Bye Losers. I laughed and showed Kenixe the status update and she laughed. "Guess one of the triplets got kicked out" she said, "Yeah, maybe I won't take as long as we thought for me to be a triplet" I said laughing. "That's it, tomorrow "try out" "she said acting serious. "No way, I would rather kill myself" I said moving my ponytail to my left shoulder. RING RING, my phone starting jumping on my bed as the vibrations were taking it up and down. "Hello?" I asked as Kenixe was on the edge of her seat waiting to hear who it was. " Lilly?" I heard a girl ask over the phone with bubble gum popping in the background. "Yes" I answered nervous. "This is Veronica" she said as the bubble gum popping got louder. "And Casey" they added as the popping sound was right in my ear. "Oh" I said as I heard fumbling and pushing and then the popping sound was gone. "Well, the rest of the triplets just wanted to let you know that you one of the finalist for tryouts" Veronica said as her stuck-up queen voice came through. "I thought it was an "everyone who wanted to can" tryout" I said and laughing emerged from the other side. "No way, it's an invitation only tryout, see you tomorrow, bye loser" Veronica said as the signal broke up and all you could here was static from the other side. "It was Veronica, I'm a triplet finalist" I said to Kenixe. "OMG, you'll finally finish a dare" Kenixe said laughing. "Yep" I said and I had a bunch of knots in my stomach because not only am I not triplet material. I was popular once and it was terrible, I never want to experience that again .

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