Chapter two- Guide to Skipping School

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The Blinding sunlight woke me up and I stumbled to close the blinds, as soon as I could see. I noticed that Kenixe was missing, and one rule my mom made about Kenixe in the house was the she couldn't be alone in the house. I ran out of the room and went to the kitchen cause FOOD, as I walked along the cold stone floor I made my way to the kitchen. "BOO" screamed Kenixe as I jumped at the sound. "What the merde" I shouted as Kenixe rolled her eyes. "English, please" she said. I smelled smoke as a cloud of smoke was coming off of a pan on the stove. I ran to the stove and took off the burnt eggs and bacon before the mess became anything more. "What do you think you were doing?" I asked her as I put the pan in the sink. "'Before Popularity' Breakfast" she said smiling. "OMG, that doesn't mean you burn down house" I said sighing. "You need to calm down" she said walking out of the kitchen to my room. "I need to calm down, you're not the one that is being made to 'try out" for social status" I said following her. "What are you doing?" I asked her as she was in my closet, throwing clothes out. "You think that you can just wear what you always wear, today" Kenixe said as she picked out a completely "unme" outfit. The flower pattern skirt was match with a pink crop top. I gagged at it as Kenixe went to the bathroom to put on her makeup. My brain was telling me no, but then I thought, what if I could use this experience as a news story. No one been able to crack the life of triplets or maybe I should call them the twins right now. All through high school the two same girls have stay in the triplets but it's really not fair because Veronica created triplets and Casey does everything Veronica says. "Are you going to get ready we have like 20 minutes" Kenixe said as her makeup and outfit were finished. I looked at the outfit and in a misguided decision I put it on. A "happy" scream came out of Kenixe as I came out of the bathroom. I was feeling a bit more like I was going to vomit over the outfit, I looked like a Barbie that got rejected by its owner. I was able to sneak in my converse, other than the pink Barbie shoes that got enlarged. Kenixe was honking her 2002 blue Cadillac Deville; I quickly grabbed my tie die back bag that I made in 9th grade. I opened the door and jumped in it as she started driving out of the driveway. Kenixe picked up speed as soon as we got out of the neighborhood, the trees of Simpson drive were nicely blowing in the wind as Kenixe turned into the dreaded C. Simpson high school. I got out of the car and eyes were on me, Jocks looked at me like they wanted me, and the cheerleader's well they looked at me the same, but with more hatred in their evil eyes. The bitchyness in me took over and I gave them a smile waved at them and then walked up the stairs. I didn't even wait for Kenixe and that was enough to make me hate the new me. But I couldn't stop it, I have to admit it did feel good all the eyes on me, treating me like I was the hottest girl in school and that moment I did feel like I was. BEEP BEEP a little message flew onto my phone, everyone meet in room 34, before first period, that means NOW!!!. I closed my phone and moved through the gap that everyone else made for me. When I made it to room 34, I couldn't believe I'm actually getting to go in the room 34. The room that Veronica bought off the school for the triplets, but when she bought it there were just the Twins. Veronica wanted another person so she would have another person to walk by her. So then the Triplets were born. I opened the door without a slightest of doubt. When the door opened the only people there was Veronica holding her Prada fringe bag, and her curly blond hair was flowing down her body, and Casey holding her Michael kors vanilla tote with her caramel hair straighten and laid nicely on her shoulders. "Oh, Lilly, I so glad you here" Veronica said hugging me. "Am I the first one here?" I asked. " The first and the last" Casey said and right after Veronica snapped at her. "We just thought you were the only that was Triplet Material" Veronica said. "Yea, and also we went through everyone else" Casey said and Veronica turned around and told her to shut up and she turned back at me. "Don't listen to her, she just, you know" Veronica said making coco sign. Casey just stood there pretending like she didn't hear or saw anything Veronica, but I know she did. " SOO, to be one of the hottest and popularest girl, all you have to do is say yes" Veronica said smiling at me. I tried to get other the fact that popularest isn't correct grammar, I thought about every factor I could put into this situation, and all of them pointed to yes. "Yes?" I said questioning it but I don't Veronica or Casey caught it. They were too busy squealing about being The feared Triplets again to even care. "Okay so how about we got to the mall" Veronica said after the squealing was over. "What about school?" I asked them, they both looked at me and Veronica answered me "Simple, my mom will just call and say were "sick" ". "But, If I'm sick I can't do soccer after-school" I said, "You're a Triplet, you can do anything" Casey said. "Basically, I'll just get a nerd to mark you present" Veronica said rolling her eyes at Casey. "Oh, will that work?" I asked, " Of, course" Veronica said. "Ok" I said and she opened the door and we walked out of the school as other people were rushing to class. We walked to the "Spot" and got in Veronica's White Mercedes SLK Convertible, it was much nicer that Kenixe's car, but again Kenixe doesn't have a mansion overlooking a valley and daddy who will by her anything. Veronica turned on the radio and some pop music played, "Lilly, what is your favorite store at the mall?" Casey asked me as if I was still being tested. I had no idea what to answer most of my clothes is from kohl's and JC Penny's, If I ever got anything "Name Brand" it would be online. "I guess, Sephora" I said knowing that's where everyone popular buys makeup. "OMG, Me too" Casey screamed, "Casey, can you calm down, the pack animals might hear you" Veronica said. "Don't you think that was a little harsh" I said and Veronica just glared at me but then her glare turned to a smile. "Casey understands that I just want to help her, right Casey?"Veronica said and Casey quickly replied "Yea, Veronica is just trying to help me". I looked back at Casey and you could see through her fake smile. I turned to face forward in front of me was the infamous Lincoln Park Mall. You know the mall that was built over the Lincoln Park, but to seem like they cared they named the mall after it. Veronica pulled into a VIP spot and she parked the car as Casey and Veronica got out. I was afraid the car was going to get towed or something but as Veronica was about to close her door she placed a tiny little sheet of paper that had VIP MEMBER 4590. I took a deep breath and got out of the car as Veronica locked the car. As we walked onto the tar parking lot Veronica was talking about all we had to do at the mall and she basically meant only one thing. I needed a complete makeover, she didn't say that but say "Ok, Lilly needs new clothes, makeup, hair, jewelry, shoes" it would have been better if she just told the truth. I mean my clothes normally were along the sporty side, and my no makeup look made me feel fresh. My brown hair wasn't boring to me, but we're talking to bleach blonde Veronica. Guessing about jewelry she meant actually getting me some, and wearing Nike's everyday doesn't probably scream Triplet material. As we walked through the door an aroma of hot dogs, pretzels, and overwhelming perfume hit me like a brick. I basically had to pinch my nose together just so I didn't faint from the overall badness of the smell. Veronica and Casey pulled me towards an Urban Outfitters, they looked around while I "Looked" around too, but I had no idea what my new "Style" was going to be. It's all up to Veronica, "You have to try this on!" Veronica squealed as she held up a skirt that was black, and white shirt with printing to small for me to read. I grabbed the clothes as Veronica and Casey both pushed me into one of the dressing rooms. I put on the outfit and looked in the little mirror that was put in the dressing room. I couldn't recognize myself, and as I stared into the mirror harder and harder, I realize that I was going to be the edgy girl. I could read the printing now, it read "Kiss Me and Go". I made no sense to me, Kiss Me and Go, what does that mean, and personally this shirt fits Veronica more than me, speaking I haven't had my first kiss yet. I came out of the dressing room and shrieks of excitement filled my ears. "Awesome" "Looks Amazing" "Just like a Model" Casey and Veronica scream loud enough so everyone in the store turned to see me. I smiled as my face was turning bright pink; pretty soon they carried on their merry way. "Ok so now you got clothes.... Let's continue" Veronica said as we walked out the store with a big bag of clothes. I grabbed out my phone and a little message indicator was beeping as a green bubble popped up with a message from Kenixe, Where are you? Are you with them? You better not leave me unanswered, Answer me!!! "Who's that, your boyfriend?!" Casey asked with an annoying tone. "No, just my mom" I said lying. "Oh, that's boring" Casey said caught up with Veronica as she already walking to Sephora. When I walked in all I could sense was the unconfident girls spending all their money to look "good". Veronica sat me down on a chair as a cakey girl applied makeup to my face based on what Veronica wanted. A few minutes and tons of makeup later I looked completely different, I looked like a true Triplet. Veronica grabbed all the makeup that the women applied to my face and bought it with some extras. I could sense myself changing after every minute, no more normal Lilly; I'm now Lilly the Edgy Triplet. The thought cause me to shiver and shake. Then I thought about Kenixe message the one I left unanswered. Yes, they wanted to remake me, but a nerd is filling me in so see you at soccer. I replied as I noise sounded that it was sent. A few seconds later Kenixe replied Have you check the time, you have like 30 minutes to get here. I swiped down the time and saw a big 2:30. My heart raced as I couldn't believe how much time has passed. "Veronica, I just heard the Dylan kissing Janet at school right now" I said speaking that Dylan is Veronica's on and off boyfriend and Janet is her worst enemy. "What?!" she screamed as we ran out of the mall and into her car to go to school. It might have been wrong to lie like that, but Veronica wouldn't care that I have soccer soon; she would only let me go if we were done shopping, but she would always leave if it had anything it to with Dylan or Janet. Veronica speeded back to school and I was pretty sure that we were going to get pulled over by a police officer. When we got to school she circled into her spot and threw me my stuff as her and Casey marched into school. I ran to Kenixe car and threw my new stuff in there and ran to soccer practice. When I got to the locker room everyone was staring at me as I got into our practice uniform and cleats. When I was all dressed I headed to Kenixe and waited for coach to come. "What's everyone's deal?' I asked her as she looked over at me. "You're a Triplet now and you know what they did to us last year" Kenixe said as the captain stared me down. The locker room still smells like rotten eggs after the great Triplet attack of 2014. "Yeah, so did you explain to them that I didn't mean to" I said and Kenixe looked back at Riley the Captain and shook her head no. "I would have but I don't want to be her new foot step" Kenixe said and we both turned around and looked down at Hannah who was being stepped on by Riley. "I hear the football team is playing next to us today" Kenixe said hinting at me. "Will you drop the whole me and Tyler thing" I said and she quickly replied with a no- shake of the head. "Ok, Girls, Quiet, Quiet!" My coach scream/yelled as she came into the locker room. "Scrimmage today, Riley pick for blue and Lilly pick for red" Coach said as she headed out of the locker room to let us decide. "Ok, so I want Jenifer, Lizzie, Hannah, Emma and Kenixe" Riley spit out at me. "Ok, I guess that means I get Katie, Steph, Alexa, Maggie, and Allie" I said as the locker room spilt up I saw Kenixe unaware of her surroundings. Riley was out for blood and so was I. We came out of the musty and dark locker room to see and feel the warmth of the sun on our skin. I placed Jenifer in Goalie, Steph and Allie Defending, and Me, Katie and Alexa forward. The sound of the whistle blew and we starting charging.

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