AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this out of major boredom, so don't judge meh. Loly hope you enjoy!
Unicorn was extremely bored so she decided to travel to Rainbow Falls. Once she reached her destination, Unicorn heard a screaming noise coming from a little gingerbread house. She ate through the delicious chocolate door and saw some idiot sucking on a lollipop. Unicorn rescued the lollipop "moooo moo mooo" she asked "My name is Empedestrious, but you can call me Lollipop" the lollipop replied. ( AUTHORS NOTE: Unicorn can only speak unicorn language out of stupidity, next time i'll translate) "Mooo! (Cool)" Unicorn exclaimed. They both danced over to Sprinkles, The Queen of Unicorns which is the most powerful unicorn ever. "I've been stalking you Unicorn and I see my stupid good for nothing unicorn-in-training finally saved a victim of citizenship. It's hard to say this Unicorn, but Good job!" Then the Unicorn of Unicorns (Blu) trotted over and gave Unicorn a new sparkly horn as a reward. The President of Unicorns (Bubbles) then flew over and said in a harsh tone "Congrats, you unworthy little donkey". After that, not so proud yet proud moment, Unicorn and Lollipop ventured off to Bubblelandia, where they ran into the Giant Cookie who feeds on Unicorn bacon flesh. "Mo mooo (oh crap)" Unicorn muttered.
AUTHORS NOTE: Find out if Unicorn and Lollipop escape this evil cookie. Please comment what you think and vote, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
Unicorn and Lollipop
HumorUnicorn one day ventures off to Rainbow Falls and rescues a lollipop from being eaten. They become the bestist of friend and go on crazy adventures together!!!!