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Philophobia n (Greek philia, love + phobia, fear) - a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of love and intimacy, of deep relationship with somebody.

"Rebbeca it's 7:30 wake up or you'll be late for your first day of college" 

Argh great first day of college, I can't be bothered. I groan and pull myself out of bed. I hate early mornings actually no I hate mornins. 

I walk to the bathrom and brush my teeth and have a shower. I go in my room, chuck a plain white tee, skinny jeans, converse and then tie my hair up into a messy bun. Satisfied with my new look I go downstairs for breakfast. 

"Oh Rebecca you're not going to college dressed like that are you?" 

I look at myself 

"What's wrong with it?" 

"Darling there's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't seem appropriate for your first day of college, couldn't you have put something smarter on like that lovely dress I bought you?" 

"I don't like that dress and you know it and anyway the people at college are going to see me dressed like this all the time why hide it on the first day they'll get a fake false impression which is basically lying mum, you don't want me to lie to my college peers would you?" 

"No of course not but you could have at least done something with your hair" 

"I like it like this thanks" 

I grab a piece of toast from her plate  

"Well see ya I wouldn't want to be late for my first day would I, what kind of impression would that make" I say in a mock posh voice.  

My mum laughs and waves me goodbye  

"Have a nice day darling, don't get into trouble" 

I give her a hurt llok "Get into trouble? Who moi? Never" I say sarcastically because we both know what I'm like. 

When I pull up into the parking lot at college all I sea is a sea of people chatting and laughing, some talking about what they did over summer break,some talking about how nervous they are about starting college blah blah blah.  

I walk up to the entrance where a girl with black hair is standing and handing people envelopes. 

"Hello there welcome to The William Fairfax College please take an anvelope, this envelope has a college site map, a timetable,amd a welcome pack" she beams at and I take the envelope. When I get in I look around for a sign or something telling where I'm supposed to go. 

"Hi there my name is Kiean, you're new here right? Well go to reception and you'll recieve your tutor information and class timetable" 

Woah he's the second person to get all up in my personal space, I hate that so much.  

I follow the signs to reception and when I get there a woman with brown hair and glasses is siiting at the desk.  

"Hello there my names is Mrs French, welcome to The William Fairfax College of Excellence, name please." 

"Rebecca Matthews" 

"Hold on for one moment and I shall get your tutor information" 

She goes off into the office and comes back moments later. 

"Here you go I hope you enjoy your first day" she smiles at me. 

I take a look at the envelope, it says Miss Rebecca Matthews JCA1 Block B Room 2, I guess this is where I need to take a look at the map, I pull it out of my bag and try and fugre out where block B is, I spend about 10 minutes staring at the scribbles and sketches and I still can't figure out where I'm supposed to be going so I screw the map up and throw it on the ground in frustration, why can't things be simple? 

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