naughty Cass

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Glancing another time, this is really bugging me.

You know that feeling that you have inside when you stare at someone and you see there nose wrapped in a bandage type accessory because a couple
days ago you punched them in the face?

What is it called? oh yeah guilt. I thought I was getting good at this, the anger management
shit; guess not. Let me explain:

So on friday, The 8th of July my fellow class mate- Kerry was talking so incredibly loud about that massive fucking spider that she claimed was 'as large as her hand' that was in her room this morning and like a normal person you would ignore her. You see Kerry is one of those attention seekers who are always hungry for more and more until whoops! Someone like me- snap and bash her face in- which is exactly what I did.

I guess that's what happens when you piss of a girl like me.

Also if you didn't already know from the cast you just read, my names Cassie. Most people are scared of me because of my reputation.

'Cassie Walker, the schools bad-ass' I know, not very stereo-typical. It's usally the boy that's the bad-ass, but not in this book honey.

The thing is, I don't look like a bad-ass. I just am. I don't attend my detentions... which grants me another one that I'm not going to also show up to, I don't do my home work but then again who does?

Like school please. You expect me to attend for 7 hours and then give me 3 hours of homework? HAH fuck off. But besides the point I don't really let bitches push me around.


The drive home on the bus was peaceful, getting on at school and off at home after a long days worth of school.

"Hey" I greet my mum

"How's school? I heard they are rebuilding the new gymnasium"

"Yeah T's pretty cool I guess, not really my thing. Anyway my books are calling for me, gotta go"
I say, on the way up the stairs.


Tuesday, 12th of July

Tuesdays I don't go to school, because I've got work. My job isn't all that exciting I'm just an assistant at a magazine building. I assist the writers with lunch, drinks, printing off things for them and giving them advice because they all say i have 'excellent taste in speech'.

Although I love working here, some of the people are very weird in the most UN-amusing way. Let me explain.

On Thursday, the 23rd of June one of the graffic designers were telling me about how he could smell blood whenever I was around, he was asking if I had injured myself or if I was depressed and just unusual questions that most people don't ask. But that's not all; that week I just so happened to be on my period. I know, weird. Its almost as if he could smell I was on my period.


Back to school on Wednesday. On Wednesdays I catch a ride to school with my mum because school's on the way to her work place.

But little did I know today was going to be worse than hell.

First as I entered school some half-wit dropped her Frappe on me and claimed it was 'my fault'. Then Kerry wouldn't take a break of using that massive gabba of hers for 3 hours of my day.

But the third incident was the worst. It happened when I was in science. It was the 5th period of the day and we were packing up from the prac experiment that we did and we were rinsing out the beakers but on the way to the sinks I got pushed into the big red button on the wall that we all have wanted the satisfaction of pushing it but we all new we would get expelled if that happened, even if was a 'accident'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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