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Sometimes you think its UN fair, When someone who is supposed to love you and think of you first puts you at the bottom of there to-do list. Like when I was 10 I saw the most awesome game you could ever imagine in a game store. Of course I wanted it with all my heart and every time I went past that shop I hopped that my mother of father would buy it so I can at least try it. Anyway one day my father game home with a bag and inside of that bag was the game I wanted I was so excited and couldn’t wait to try it. But of course daddy said it was his so it didn’t matter if I played it or not. The next day he returned it without me even trying it at least once. I looked at him with hate and anger then I walked out of the room. He said “It wasn’t brought for you so stop being a bloody sook and get over it!!”

I never cried so much in my life. Cause the one thing I wanted got taken away from me. Sure you can call me a brat but to me that game was everything and I never got the divine pleasure of trying it. So I guess you never really get what you want in life so there is no use in pretending you could get it. Even if you were used to getting you own way.

Anyways BORING! time for schoool!

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