Going Home

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Hermione's P.O.V

I stared at the letter in disbelief. I was adopted? Why didn't my parents tell me? And my birth parents were Death Eaters. I set the letter and envelope on the table and ran to the bathroom. I searched my face for any sort of discrepancy. This had been what I had looked like my entire life and it was a lie. All of it. I knew I didn't look exactly like my mother and father but not every child was a spitting image of their parents like Harry was. Harry and Ron, what would they say about all this. Should I go and talk to them before I meet my birth parents? Should I even meet my birth parents at all? I could always just burn the letter, throw the envelope away, and pretend this had never happened. I sighed, I couldn't do that though. I needed to know. I needed to know what I looked like. I needed to know who my birth parents were. It was reckless. There was no going back. Curse my incessant curiosity. I blame Ron and Harry for that. I walked back to the envelope mind made up. I retrieved the stone from inside. I had never heard of a magic removal stone before. Fancy that, something I didn't know, the boys would have a field day. I took the stone and once again walked into the bathroom right in front of the mirror. My face didn't look any different. Perhaps this was all a prank set up by George. I doubt he has much time to play pranks right now, running his shop all by himself. I closed my eyes and wished to see my true form. I felt the tingle of magic flow through me as if I was just doused in freezing cold water. It was done. Whatever I looked like now was my true form.

I opened my eyes slowly. My hair was an intense platinum blonde colour rather than the brown it had been. And although it was the same length as before it was more wavy than downright curly. My cheekbones were higher, my nose was slimmer, and my eyes had turned an icy blue colour. I looked kind of like... Malfoy. Then it hit me. The crest that I had seen on the envelope. It was the Malfoy family crest. I was a Malfoy. I was related to that thing that had tortured me. I looked down at the scar. Despite the glamour removal it was still there. That terrible word still etched into my skin, forever. Even though my heritage had changed my upbringing hadn't. I'll always be an outcast in the wizarding world. What would the Malfoy's say if they knew that I, Hermione Granger, was one of them. Should I use that Portkey even if I knew where it was taking me? Who it was taking me to? I ran a hand threw my new wavy blonde hair. I should at least talk to my birth family. That didn't mean I had to stay with them or love them.

I reached into the envelope and grabbed the Portkey. I would confront the Malfoy's, tell them who I was, and if they react how I expected, I'll return to my flat and figure out a plan from there.

Everything began to spin as I was whisked off to what could potentially be my doom.

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