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Selena Colosel

I feel complete when Thaddeus and I mated 1 1/2 months ago. The feeling that we became as one being and I'm his and his mine.

As I stared at myself on the mirror, I smiled slightly. I gained weight just in one month. All I needed to confirm my suspicions, is to have one thing:

A Pregnancy Test

Which I am holding this instant because I can't go to the pack healer because he or she might alert Thaddeus using the pack link. In which, I don't want to happen because if it's positive I want it to be a surprise.

I entered the bathroom and peed on the test. Setting the timer, I waited for a few minutes.

I peed at the test, and went out of the bathroom. I sat on the bed, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I opened my eyes to see that can change my whole life.


My eyes widened in shock, staring down at the test. I forgot that Alpha's genes are faster, and me having an Alpha blood helped the process to sped up.

"Sele-" I heard the door creaked open, catching me by surprise. I dropped the test on the floor, and I lifted my head. Just to see Francheska staring at me wide eyed.

"You're pregnant?!" She spluttered, eyes still wide.

I grabbed the test on the floor abruptly and didn't answer her question. I continued to look down, and hid it inside my cabinet that has a lock.

I was about to leave, when she grabbed my arm.

"You didn't answer my question Selena!" She growled, "Are you pregnant?"

This made my wolf angry, how dare her order me around? I am her Luna! No one should dare to disrespect me, best friend or not.

I shrugged her hold, "Don't. Touch. Me! I am still your Luna, Francheska so show some respect. You may be my best friend but I am still an Alpha Female." I hissed at her.

By the way she was speaking to me made me pissed off. I don't know if it's because of my unstable hormones or just the instinct of my Luna side. Leaders hates to be disrespected, and Luna's are no exception.

Her eyes filled with hurt, "Oh, I'm sorry Luna, for 'disrespecting' you." She gritted out, "I was just being a best friend like I am. But I think it was a mistake, don't worry it won't happen again." She went out of the room, slamming the door.

I sat on my bed, feeling guilty. I lost control awhile ago that I already don't know what I did next. Urgh, Stupid damn hormones! Now the only girl that I can share with this kind of things won't talk to me because I'm being in denial.

Then I stood up, instead of sitting here moaning about awhile ago. I should walk around the pack house, to get to know the members instead.

The smile fell from my face, I never knew my members. What kind of Luna, doesn't know it's own people?

Oh yeah, me.

So I went down to visit the kitchen, to see if I can meet some of the people here.

When I entered the kitchen, every pair of eyes landed at me. It filled with curiosity and surprise. I wasn't use to this attention, and I can feel my face warmed.

I saw an old lady staring at my stomach, which made me feel nervous. I'm not showing yet... Right?

To calm my nerves, I approached her, "Hello! May I ask what is your name ma'am?" I asked, as I gave her a smile.

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