Chapter 1: an unusual friendship

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She lay in her bed, starring up at the ceiling as she felt the cold air from the open window across from her; gently caress her small fragile body. She sighed as she sat up and swung her tiny feet over the edge of the tall bed. Debating whether to move or not, she finally jumped down off her bed and quietly move towards her sibling's beds "Rose, Kyru are you awake?" she whispered, too afraid to break the serene silence. There was no answer, she assumed they were asleep. She quietly walked up to the door, she took a deep breath and with one slight push it opened without a sound. Mumbling to herself she stepped into the dark hallway. As her footsteps echoed the through the moon lit hallway, she couldn't help but savor the smell of exotic flowers that lined the walls. Once she got to her parents room, she could feel her stomach churn with fear of what she might find. Opening the door, a gasp escaped her pale lips. Tears stung her eyes as she gazed at her mother's lifeless eyes. "Mummy," she whispered as she walked up to the blood soaked corpse that was once her mother. She looked around only to find that her father shared a similar fate; his body was hardly recognizable with his blood covering the walls and his entrails strewn across the floor. His body just laid there. She noticed that her father's head was missing. 'Who did this?' she thought as she nimbly stepped over all the blood and gore trying not to leave a trail. Something caught her eye as she looked in the general direction "Oh god. No," she said as head stared at her father's head placed on the windowsill. A sudden realization hit her. She wasn't alone. She listened carefully until a loud thud broke the eerie silence.

The thud of a pile of papers being dropped on her desk snapped her out of her thoughts. Looking up a tall slim young man wearing a demon hunter uniform consisted of a sleeveless black shirt and tight fitting black leather pants, held up by a dark brown belt that held a his sheathed sword typical for his position. "An employer specifically choose you for this job, don't know why," he said blankly as he turned and walked out of her office. Lost in her thoughts again she let her cold gold eyes skim over the job request at the top of the pile of papers. With a sigh she grasped the pile of papers with her slender fingers, pushing her long dark brown hair out of her eyes as she read the information provided. Getting up from her seat she noticed the gold name plate on her desk that said ADRESTIA NEVERMORE, chuckling at the fact she was the only woman in a team of men, she walked over to the armoury. Walking over to where her weapons and armor are store she let her eyes look over the room. The walls were lined with all sorts of bladed weapons, and cabinets that separated each section of the large room. The cabinets near the entrance of the room housed weapons that were infused with the very souls of the demons that were defeated. "Ah, Ms. Nevermore how are you my dear?" a voice said abruptly snapping her out of her dream like state. Looking around to find where the voice came from, a middle age man smiling at her with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "What will it be today my dear?" he asked, he looked like something from an old steampunk novel she once read, with long black hair tied back into a ponytail, and a pair of googles push up onto his forehead, he wore a red dress shirt with a black vest, black slacks, and a pair of black work boots. "I didn't think you would work this late Ambrose," Adrestia said as she handed him a paper outlining her job. "Oh my, you're going to need the best weapons for this job," he said with a chuckle. "And that would be?" She said coldly as she examined the man some more. "My, always cold aren't we?" he said with a chuckle, "but that's what's to be expected from the famous Adrestia Nevermore the angel of death herself," picking up a two handed sword. "I do not care for expectations Ambrose," Adrestia said as she walked closer to him. With a sigh she said "What do you have for me today?" eyeing the sword in his hands. "Heh actually this is from the demon you slayed a while ago this is, for a lack of a better term, this is one hell of a sword" he said as he waved it around. "Get to the point Ambrose," she said annoyed at the weapon smith. "Now, now, Adrestia there's no need to get angry my dear," he said as he handed her the sword as she inspected the sword. The sword was normal except for the eerie runes carved into the hilt and bade of the sword and the mysterious gems adorning the hilt. "Now time for the crème de la crème of your gear," he said as he clapped his hands. "Enough with the needless display Ambrose," she told him harshly, sheathing the sword. "You were never one to see the good in things," he said as he sighed, "Ok this is the Hikari and the Yami," handing her two heavily modified automatic hand guns. "And this is Nigrae Lunam," he said as he handed her a customized sniper rifle. "What about my main weapon?" she asked looking at the guns in her hands, it felt good to have her weapons back in her hands. "I'm sorry, but I need more time with judgment, you really put your scythe through hell," he said as he looked into her eyes, the same eyes that seen the horrors of hell. "Fair enough, where is my uniform?" she said as she started to walk over to his work bench. "You must be the famous Adrestia," a male voice said. Catching her attention she looked up to find a boy about thirteen years of age with chin length black hair, and warm dark brown eyes. "And you are?" she said examining him further. He wore a pair of brown worn out slacks, dirty black worn out sneakers with a yellow dress shirt underneath a black vest with the guild emblem on the left breast. The only answer he gave was a confused look. "You seem to know me but I do not you," she said with a sigh. "Ah I see you met my new assistant Takki Mūnshadou," Ambrose said as he walked up to them. "Ah so this is the Takki I keep hearing about" she said eyeing him cautiously. "Now, now Adrestia he is not a demon but... he is an excellent assistant ... he is... " Ambrose was cut off by load roar "Kiyohime! That is enough!" She yelled at her partner, "I'm sorry you were saying." she glared at the beautiful purple and black dragon that walked in "he is one of the survivors' of-..." "Give me a good reason I should not take your life," she cut Ambrose off, pointing the barrel of her gun to Takki's chin. "I'm not going to hurt you! I don't know what happened! Please! I mean you no harm!" he said, putting his hands up in surrender as she lifted the gun from his chin and holstered it. "Fine," she said as she turned to Ambrose, "Uniform now," she ordered, walking into the storage room. "Ambrose please hand me the uniform. I'll give it to her" Kiyohime said as she took the uniform from Ambrose. "Is she always like that Miss Kiyohime?" Takki asked as he looked at the dragon who transformed into a beautiful young woman with long black hair and cold purple eyes. She wore a purple halter dress with black ribbons around her hips and knee high black boots. "Unfortunately yes," she said as she walked into the storage room. "Please remember Takki, she has been through a lot and don't forget, she doesn't remember who she is either," Ambrose said as he looked at him "sorry sir I didn't mean to over step my-" Takki was cut off by Ambrose holding up his hand signalling him to stop. "Do not worry my boy she is strong, but there are some lines even I do not cross with her" he said as they watched her walk out of the storage room wearing a long black trench coat with red sleeves and tail that showed her midriff, a pair of long black gloves with three buckles and red jeans. This made Takki's jaw drop not only did she look intimidating the uniform she wore really extenuated her figure, she looked like a woman ready for a fight. Noticing he was starring he looked away feeling uneasy about her being in the room again. "Ok that's it then I presume?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "Take Takki with you please. The boy needs some experience out on the field," Ambrose said as he worked to fix a glaive that someone had. "With all due respect I do not think it's wise to," Ambrose cut her off."I understand what you're saying but no one else will take him, and you with your abilities, I know he and you will become one of the strongest teams in the guild," he said looking up from his work. "Ok, come on Takki we have no time to waste," she said as she exited to armory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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