The Changed Evil pt 3

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Hope-"Hey jhonna do you get a weird feeling that we might in danger?"

*Santos holding a pistol behind hope's head*


Hope-"Probably nothing."

Jhonna(angrily)-"Santos what did I say?? "

Santos-"Oh yea you wanted me to be friends with hope well this is how I get closer with friends."

Jhonna-"By holding a pistol behind there head!?!?"

Hope-"Wait what?!?"

Santos-"Yeah umm it gives a sense of trust between the two people."

Jhonna-"Hey Hope we'll be right back."


Jhonna dragged Santos to the side

Jhonna-"Listen Santos give him your trust."

Santos-"I cant he tried to kill the real me"

Jhonna-"He changed give him a chance"

Santos-"I cant just give him another chance he might betray us!"

Jhonna-"Listen im not asking for him,im asking as your friend please give him a chance."

Santos-"Fine your one of my most trusted allies,i'll believe you."

Jhonna-"That means give the gun."

Santos-"Cmon do I have to give you my gun?"

Jhonna-"Yes you must be able to trust him."


*Santos gives the gun to Jhonna*

Jhonna-"Thank you Santos."

*They walk back to Hope*

Santos-"(sigh)So where should we go first?"

Jhonna-"I was thinking that we should go to the amusement park first play,some games over there."

Hope-"Sounds like a plan"


*30 minutes of walking*

Santos-"We're here"

Jhonna-"hey look over there."

Hope-"How do you play this game?"

Jhonna-"You shoot the infested dummies and you get a prize."

Hope-"Ok I'll give it a try"

*5 fails later*

Hope-"Cmon you got to kidding me,I hit none!!"

Santos-"Let me show you assasin"

*Santos quick draws the toy pistol and knocks down the dummies in a flash*

Hope-(Mouth wide open)"How?!?!"

Santos-"Your not used to using guns you use old tenno weapons."

Jhonna-"That was awesome Santos,now you have to choose a prize."

Santos-"Go ahead I have no need for prizes"

Jhonna-"I think i'll get the Excalibur plushie"


Hope(Evil smile)-hey that game i reaconize it.

Hope-"hey what about this game"

Santos-"Basketball alright."

3..2...1 go!!

Santos-"Man this game requires alot of precison but Hope is scoring like no tommorow"

Hope-"Having trouble Rhino?"

Santos-"no you?"

Hope-"Just made 20 goals and you 0"


SCORE Santos=5 Hope-30

Jhonna-"Good job hope hey lets go on the go carts."

Hope-"Yes shall we."

Announcer-"3 carts left!!"

Jhonna-"lets go guys"


Announcer-"Please buckle up and remember your allowed to bump into people."

Hope-"Im winning this"

Santos-"No I am."

3...2....1 GGGGOOOO!!!

Santos-"Your out of your league stalker!!"

Hope-"No your out of this league Rhino!!!!"

*Both collide at eachother with great force*

Santos-"This is the last lap you ready to lose?"

Hope-"No im ready to win this!!"

Jhonna-"Not if I have something to say about that!!!"


*Jhonna blasted through both of them,sending them spirling out of control*

Both-"I think im going to be sick"

Announcer-"We have a winner!!"

Santos-"Well she won."

Hope-"I dont know how"

???-"Hey guys I found him."

Santos-Oh no

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