Luke Hemmings Imagine

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*****Luke Imagine******

You couldn't fall asleep because there was a thunder storm and you were afraid of storms. You were currently in a hotel room because you are on tour with the boys. You missed them so much and they missed you too so they asked you if you wanted to go on tour with them and you agreed. You walked over to Calum's hotel room and found him asleep in bed with no Shirt on and he was sprawled out across the bed. You giggled silently and shut his door. You walked next door to Ashton's room to see if he was still awake but you found him knocked out on the couch with the tv switched on and the volume turned down low. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his body and smiled to yourself at how cute he was when he was asleep. You switched off the tv and shut his door silently so you wouldn't wake him. You were beginning to think all of the boys were asleep and you were the only one left awake and frightened by the storm. You sighed before opening Luke's door, thinking he wouldn't be awake. You looked around for him but he wasn't there. You began to panic, not even knowing why. He's probably just gone to get something to eat or a coffee maybe ? You ran to Michael's hotel room and found him on his bed, playing on his phone with Luke on top of him, hugging him like a child. "You had me worried, I couldn't find you Luke !" You shouted in between laughs. "Why ? I'm right here?" He laughed. Luke always makes jokes and it always makes you happier. If you're ever sad he is always the one to make you laugh and put a smile on your face. All of the boys do but Luke never fails to. "What are you doing awake so late ?" Michael finally looks away from his phone. "Storm" you muttered, not wanting them to know you were afraid of the thunder storm because it wasn't a big, powerful storm this time. "Ahh" he nodded his head then returned back to his game on his phone. "I love you guys So much !" You shouted as you jumped up and on the bed, tackling them in a huge hug. "We love you too !" They both shouted, tackling you back making you giggle. Someone from the hotel staff knocked on the door and asked us to be quiet because everyone else in the hotel was trying to sleep. You all agreed and you hugged Michael goodnight as you and Luke left his room. " (Y/N).. I can sleep with you tonight if you're scared.. " Luke suggested, rubbing the back of his neck. "Please ?" You practically begged. You opened the door to your hotel room and turned of the light leaving one lamp turned on so you could see where you were going. You made your way over to the bed and turned off the lamp. You cuddled up to Luke and shut your eyelids. "(Y/N).. I like you" he whispered, probably thinking you were asleep but you weren't. Not yet. "I like you too, Luke" to giggled into his chest. "No. I mean M-more than a F-friend" he stuttered. "(Y/N) .. Will you be my Girlfriend ?" He breathed out. You sat up on your knees and switched on the lamp. "Yes !" You shouted and tackled him. "Really ?!" He sounded ecstatic. "Yes !" You smiled from ear to ear and kissed his cheek. You turned the lamp back off and cuddled up with Luke again. "I like you a lot (Y/N)" he kissed your cheek. "I like you a lot too, Lukey" you pecked his lips softly. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to his body. "I feel safe" you giggled at the thought because Luke did make you feel safe and he made you forget all about the storm. "Good ! You should feel safe because with me .. You always will be" he kissed your forehead lightly before you both drifted off to slumber.

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