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"Pazzio" Jancho sang in my ear. "Pazzio get up!" I felt a push and whined in arrogance, exhaustion ripped at my limbs.                                                                                                                                

"Pazzio come on "he pulled off the blanket. And I shivered and moaned "Jancho!!" I growled he crossed his arms and said" What?" he raised his eyebrows and tapped his foot on the ground I growned and said" urgh!!! You look and sound like my mother!" I raised my eyebrows back and started to dress, he smiled and helped me.

"So what's on your agenda today?" I questioned he looked up from buttoning my shirt and his face turned serious "Well while you may not think you need a healer, Yelena does" I remembered Yelena! Opal! Valek! Devlin my heart felt like it was havingi a war against my stomach, the memories flooded back! Jancho noticed and said "Pazzio!" I looked at him "there fine!" I frowned now who was the one not giving all the information "what happened..." I gaped trying to work it all out "how did they get away, how did I get away?" I asked "well Yelena found the souls of the dead and sent them to where they belonged, Tohon had used a death lily, therefore Yelena sent the death lilies soul back to the flower, and then Tohon cowered away." He pieced his lips together, I frowned at his expression trying to work it out "what happened to me?" I grabbed his hand waiting in anticipation "jancho!" he jerked in surprise and then opened his mouth to say something but shut it "Jancho? What?" I asked nervously. He bit his lip anxiously as he wouldn't look me in the eye. I repeated my question and he finally said "while you were out um" he fiddled with his hands and continued "Leif gave you some of his plants to keep you alive let alone healing, your leg womb wasn't until you woke up the second time..." I puzzled over what he just said. For the first time? What? "What do you mean first time I told you he knocked me out after penetrating my thigh?" I studied his change in body language as if he was expecting the question, he let go of my hand and moved away whipping his face on his hands. "well once you were joined by Tohon he forced your magic against you, when you were trying to influence his movements into leaving, he forced you to crush your skull, Yelena luckily stopped the dead in time to stop him, and you didn't wake for 2 day's"he turned and stared at me "you needed urgent healing and we didn't know if you would lose your memory or not, when you awoke you instantly used your magic to prevent the attack hurting Leif, then you rushed Tohon and he pricked you with death lily toxin and stabbed your thigh."  I froze in shock, no wonder why he had been so serious about me going to get seen about my leg, and the fact when I woke up I felt open and bubbly not even thinking about the others just myself. What a selfish cow. I asked "what did I do to Leif?" he nodded as if Leif were behind me, so I turned and saw in the other bed beside me Leif lying asleep. How did I not notice him? What have I done? I pulled my hands up to my face in shame"Leif! I'm so sorry what did I do?" I went over to Leif and held his hands seeking for my magic to spring to life, nothing happened!! "What? Why can't I use my magic?" I cried, Jancho look to the floor before coming to explain. "Another problem is when you were trying to digest him you pulled a barrier over his mind and soul to prevent magic hurting you, you thought you were using the magic to stop Tohon hurting you, but instead you were attacking Leif" I cried and walked out the room! Where was I? I ran through the corridor going left right any way to get away from the terror I had caused. Jancho called my name as he tried to keep pace with me, it wasn't hard for him as he was second in command in the ixian defences, he grabbed my arm  and spun me around to give me a bear hug I soaked in his warmth and cried. Once I regained my thoughts Jancho led me back to the room where I woke up earlier. That reminded me that I had no clue where I was so I asked "Jancho where are we?"I looked him in the eye. And he explained "we are in Rhynes castle" I realized that we were in RHYNES castle! "You mean King Rhynes castle?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and I squealed in excitement as my negative thoughts dissipated. "Calm down! Calm down Pazzio!" he said smiling. "You're only going to meet him personally at 2.00, I mean it's nothing all you're doing is having a meal" I jumped feeling like a five year old "today?" I asked and his smile grew to hi eye's "yes uh...personally,you're not going to leave me for him?" he joked and I punched him on the arm.But a thought come to my mind "why does he want to see me? Why would he want a meal with me??" he nodded as if he was expecting my question " yeah he has aquery that he wants to express, however he wants to tell you, I will be there if you need me though!" he said quickly " a query? What about?" he lifted his finger to his nose and tapped it and said "wait and see, you'll either take it very lightly or very bad" he bit his lip, as he always does when he's contemplating his verbal accusations. I took his hand and gave him a pout "I want to see Leif!" I expressed he looked at me and nodded "ok. Now?" he questioned "Yes please" I gulped down grief, what have I done to Leif. All my thoughts on Rhyne disappeared and the thoughts on Leif came in waves. Jancho noticed and squeezed my hand in silent support I took comfort in his Affection and walked the direction of Leif's room. I began feeling nervous every step I took, as soon as I opened the door and saw Leif for the second time my world spun as I realized that was me who did that to him.me!! I squeezed Jancho's hand tighter and he asked "are you alright?" I nodded and questioned myself am I alright? I moved over to Leif and took his hand again as I did earlier. "Leif.....Leif" I tapped his shoulder to try and wake him "Leif huh Leif I'm sorry..." I let out a cry as I said I'm sorry. I moved my other hand to my face and whipped the tears that threatened to come. "Leif...huh" I sighed in misery. I turned to face Jancho with, my hand in Leif's hand still. Jancho gave me an understanding smile. " wh.........a...t" I heard a familiar voice and a tug on my hand, I turned to Leif with joy and shame mixed into one emotion. "Ah!!!" he pulled my hand away. Confused I assured him he was fine "Get away from me!!!!" He cradled his knees to his chest and huddled nearer to the wall, with fear and revulsion written on his face. "Leif...i.....im......sorry!!" I moved a step and he flinched as if I just hurt him. Pain ripped through my heart as heartbreak digested my heart in one. He hated me. He was terrified of me. He focused his gaze on Jancho and said "Why is she hear????Why is she near me? She's dangerous!" he screamed. I turned around to find Jancho embrace me as tears flooded my face. "It's ok" he reassured me." Jancho get away from her!! You know what she did!!!" he screamed louder. I cried harder. And Jancho rubbed my back. " shhhh....Leif just shut up ok" Jancho shouted at him tensing under my arms. i turned to see Leif's face turn from stubborn to realization, as I hoped that the realization was forgiveness. "Leif I ......" I tried but failed "you're what?? Sorry?......." I sighed as his sarcasm hit me right in the face. "I know that your sorry........." confusion spread through out me, I met Leif's Peircing gaze " I know you didn't mean to hurt me!" he said looking away " I....m just shocked and I took it out on you...sorry" he moved closer, kicking his legs off the bed and standing in front of me. I understood what he wanted me to do and untangled myself from Jancho and switched to Leif. I cried as my emotions seeped out of me.

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