Dean and Castiel

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Dean and Castiel were sitting on the hood of the Impala. Cas was holding a vanilla and chocolate ice cream that Dean bought him since he had never had one. Dean was eating his pie next to him. Sam was not there, he had gotten an illness from a demon from the last case, and was staying at Bobby’s until he got better.  So it was just Dean and Cas.

Then Dean’s phone rang and he talked to someone for a few seconds and then turned to Cas and told him that Bobby heard of a case near them. Cas said that if he wanted to work on it then they could. Dean got into the driver’s seat of his Impala and just as he was wondering if Cas was going to go with him or just meet him there, he was sitting next to him and they set off. Dean didn’t know this, but Cas loved spending time with him. It was a strange emotion for him, but a strong one.

They arrived in the small town late at night, and found a motel. While Dean was getting the room, Cas saw a strange machine he had never encountered. He reached in his pocket and took out the change from his ice cream and put it in the machine. He walked over to Dean and showed Dean what he had bought. The man working at the desk then giggled and asked if they wanted one bed to share, for Castiel had bought XXL condoms. Dean rolled his eyes and told off Cas, who was confused.

They got into the room and Dean said to Cas that he was tired and to meet him tomorrow morning. Cas fluttered off and Dean went to bed.

The next day when Dean woke up Cas was waiting there on the chair. Dean didn’t actually mind, but he felt it was necessary to teach him not to watch people when they sleep so he mildly told him off.

They set off to the hospital morgue to see with what they were dealing, Bobby hadn’t told them much since Sam was basically throwing up blood, so he had his hands full… Literally. They got there and introduced themselves as doctors Carter and Banks. Cas wasn’t very good at lying, he first introduced himself as ‘Castiel angel of god and Leading Warrior of The Civil War of Heaven’. Although Dean found it hard to explain why he said that, he was glad that the War was going well for Cas.

They went down to the morgue and saw the body. It was revolting, one of the legs was pressed upwards into itself, and both arms were burned and slimy, the face had no nose and was missing the ear lobes and he was missing his lower teeth. Dean leaned back a bit horrified but Cas just stood there. Unfazed.  Dean asked where the body was found. The pathologist said that it was found in a car park at the north of the area.

They got into the Impala and went there. As soon as they arrived they saw that something as wrong. There was graffiti all over the walls and they were all demon-summoning symbols. Cas stated that with this many symbols one could summon at least 10 maybe even 15 demons. He was surprised that the man in the morgue was in such good shape. But Dean was more focused on who made the marks, rather what they mean. He walked up and down, trying to find clues. He walked near the trashcan and found a receipt for 12 cans of spray paint from a gas station. As soon as he read that he ran to the impala, where Cas was waiting and set off to find the gas station.

When they got there Cas asked if he could handle it and even though Dean knew he would get it wrong he wanted to do something nice for him so let him.

While Castiel was in there talking to the employee, Dean couldn’t stop thinking of him. He felt like he was starting to have feelings for him. Before he had a chance to think about it properly, Cas came back and sat there silently. Dean asked him what happened, Cas simply replied that he did not understand a word the man said to him. Dean sighed and went into the shop, and went to the young man working there, and asked him about whom he had sold the paint to. The man replied in very modern slang, even Dean barely understood it, he giggled to himself at the thought of Cas trying to comprehend this.

He got back to the car and told Cas that it was some teenagers who bought it, and they went to find them. While they were driving around, they saw some teens spraying on a wall. They were using the same paint. They got out of the car to talk to the kids but they started running, so Dean ran after them. He finally corned them in an ally and Cas appeared next to him, his hand on Dean’s shoulder. Dean said that he only wanted to talk to the kids but they were still very scared. He asked them anyway what they had done with the paint, and why they had made those symbols and they nervously responded that it was their first time tagging a building and they didn’t know what to do so they went on the internet for cool things and an add popped up with cool symbols all over it, so they used them.

On the way back to the car park, Cas told him that they were very lucky. If those kids had known what they were doing, they could have raised an army. Dean didn’t respond, he wasn’t even listening, he was too busy thinking about Cas’s hand on his shoulder. He could still feel it. It was so warm and firm. But he had to shake it off when they arrived. Went to the back of his car and took out his demon knife. They walked into the car park and Dean shouted out, calling for the demons to get him. Cas was always annoyed when he does that. It gets him worried. Before he could tell him to stop a demon walked out. Then another. And another. There were about 13 demons surrounding them. They were, as dean would say, screwed.

A demon lashed out towards Dean. Cas was there immediately with his hand in the demons heart, he had never moved that fast. It was seeing dean in danger. He was so taken aback that he did not notice the demon sneaking up on him. This one Dean did see, he threw his knife and it landed perfectly between the demons eyes. Dean knew he could aim well but that was too good. He was also confused. They were making each other better at fighting. They smiled to each other and span round, Cas pulled out the knife and killed another demon, Dean turned to kick one away and take the knife out of Cas’s hand, killing his demon just after Cas. They continued like this, passing the knife between each other, fighting off the demons. They had finished them all off in 2 minutes flat. That was incredible. They both stood there for a while, just staring at each other, not sure what to do or say. After a while Dean awkwardly told Cas that he had done a good job, and Cas told him the same.

They were walking back when they decided to check the other tagging in case they were more demon summoning ones. They walked by the wall but noticed something strange. They noticed the graffiti, not the symbols but what they were ON. Before Dean could ask Cas what is was the door opened.

“Hello, I’m the Doctor.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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