It was Sunday at 10;00am at Niall's house and Zoe was the first one to be awake and all she was doing was think if Joe had been assert or not. Its was 10:15am the rest if they woke up and Niall went over to Zoë and said.......
It was Sunday at 10;00am at Niall's house and Zoe was the first one to be awake and all she was doing was think if Joe had been assert or not. It was 10:15am when rest woke up and Niall went over to Zoë and said.......
“Morning babe how are you do you want to go any where today and gave her a kiss and hug.”
"Morning babe im fine a bit can we go to the police station today because I want to see if Joe has been asserted or not coz I want him to be. I do not want to see him ever again he is an Idiot."
“Yes Niall you should take her." said Harry
"Maybe we should all go just in case the police officer wants some statement from all of us." Added Liam.
“Yes you are right." Cried Zoë
So they all went to get dressed and they got in the 7seater car and Niall drives to Zoë’s house so she can get dress she was only 5 minutes and then they went to there police station but when we got there Zoë was a bit scared to go in there and his girlfriend described to her
"It will be ok baby we will hold hands going in."
“Are you sure its going to be ok baby."
"Yes im sure."
"Let’s go in then." whispered Louis