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Author's note: Oookay, i know i haven't update this bunch of OnS oneshots for such a long time but after my busyness(?) of my school who likes to give me a lot of homeworks and tests i finally have the time to publish another oneshot! And this time i would like to write about Guren and Mahiru ;; i know some of you guys might not like them or one of them but i just couldn't resist since i ship them so much XD and umm its a bit smut so i hope you're okay with it and if not- you can skip it for now enjoy! I'm also so sorry if its kind of out of character lel honestly its hard to write them since i know little bout them. And also you guys can request too! I'm open for a suggestion after all so yep!

"Geez, Guren where could you be..." Mahiru who ran through every place to search for Guren, seemed to tired herself since she couldn't find her childhood friend anywhere.

She knew deep down Guren tried his best to stay away from her, because of the connection ties between the Hiragi and Ichinose it became difficult for them to talk like it used to be. But at some point, she didn't want that. She didn't want to lose him, she didn't care about what happened between the Hiragi and Ichinose she still wanted to be like it used to be. So until now she still tried her best to make things like the way it was before.

"Guren so there you are!" She felt a huge relief and happiness, she haven't seen him since a week ago and truth to be told she did missed him a lot.

"...Mahiru? What are you doing in here?" Guren who sat on the grass while finishing his food, gazed through her amber eyes.

"I thought you might be hungry so i made a lunch so we could eat together." She smiled at him, hoping that he would accept her request and eat with her.

"You made this? How? I thought the lab won't let you do this kind of thing anymore." He bluntly replied.

She laughed bitterly, she could felt the bitterness from his words successfully stabbing through her. But from her experience with him after such a long time, she came to accepted how he acted towards her for his safety. But her desire to wanting go back like it used to be and the desire for wanting more than just like it used to be kept piling up.

"I got a permission from the doctors, so it should be fine right?" She forced herself to smile, not wanting him to see that every acts that he took was actually destroying her bits to bits. But then again, it's not like the lab didn't destroy her. She knew the consequences and the risks and so she was fine with it.

"Go back inside, Mahiru. You shouldn't be here with me." He stood from where he sat until he saw her smile faltered and it went back like when he saw her that day.

"....Fine, i guess we can do that once in a while." He reasoned, it wasn't meant to be like that. He's just a lowborn trash who came from the Ichinose to serve the Hiragi, she shouldn't spent her time with someone like him. That's one of the reason why he chose to stay away from her.

Once she heard what he said about giving some loose between them, she was a bit happy to hear that. She sat beside him and opened the lunchbox that she made on the morning, she gave the lunchbox to Guren. She hoped that he could finish it, since she knew that he already ate and was planning to go back to his class.

Guren split the chopstick off and ate the lunchbox that Mahiru made for him, he hoped that he could finish it since he didn't want to see her smile falter ever again. Not in front of him at least, the taste brings back memories of when he and Mahiru was just a little kid. He knew that Mahiru is really good at cooking and sometimes she cooked for him, if she had the time of course.

Even on their childhood, they had a really hard time at spending time together too after all.

"How is it?" Mahiru asked him, breaking off the silence they had a few minutes ago due to the curiousness of what he thinks about the food that she made.

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