The Devil's Assistant

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I've more than likely met the living incarnate of the devil. Not simply just "met", but I'm more like his indentured servant, paying off some sort of debt that I've got no knowledge of. It's been like this for the past several weeks, running errands from fetching things to making him food.

Now, any sane person would say: "Screw that. Why bother with something so ridiculous?" But you really, really don't understand the person I'm dealing with. Now, there's never been anyone in life that's ever made me afraid. But this dude really knew how to make me expect the worst from him, and he always gives me the most ridiculous tasks.

Like one day: I got stuck with the chore of preparing his and my lunch, and for quite a few simple reasons I couldn't refuse. He Tian is the name of my misfortune: some charming guy who'll smile in your face but is actually a damned sadist (I had the bad luck of learning the hard way). He has the mentality and attitude of a boss in the Chinese mafia-- hell, he probably is part of the Chinese mafia.

But, anyway-- he was outside waiting for me, with his smug look and nonchalant attitude, leaning against the building swarmed by a bunch of girls. He flashes a bright smile, being real charismatic and doing his best to show off all of his charm to swoon the pack. I grimaced at the bullshit performance he was dishing out. Hmph. You all honestly don't know what he really is--

My train of thought stopped short as soon as he glanced up and saw me. The kindness in his eyes was gone, replaced with a coy, sadistic look. Ugh. I could already tell that today was especially going to be hell for me. He removed himself from his fan club and came sauntering over, hands jammed in his pockets. As he neared me, he smirked at the two packed lunches in my hand, saying, "I see you did as I asked, good job~"

"Whatever," I mumbled, handing him his lunch. I really didn't want to deal with him that morning considering I felt pretty shitty already, so I was more than ready to leave. But he slung an arm over my shoulders and pulled me in, leading me into the school and down a hallway that had fewer people.

"Escaping from me so soon? I've got several tasks for you today."

"Not interested," I responded flatly. "I'm done with your annoying requests. And don't stick to me either--" I tried to push him off, but grabbed my arm and shoved me hard against the wall, sending some pain through my back and my head from the impact.

"Don't forget who's in charge. You do as I say, or you get your ass whooped. Got it?" His tone became real menacing, and I knew he meant business. I couldn't help but give myself a mental kick. I knew that testing this guy meant my funeral, but that day I just felt... I dunno-- annoyed? Well, every day when it came to this guy I felt that way, but that day especially. Honestly, what the hell did he want? What good came from messing with me like this?

But instead of any grievances or resistance, I mumbled, "Right, I get it." His smile to charm millions was plastered back in his face; most would consider it a handsome alluring smile, but being around him long enough I knew it was his evil smile of triumph. I got my back off the wall and He Tian lead the way while I obediently followed behind him.

"Come shopping with me," he ordered.

"What the hell? First I'm your chef and now I'm your personal shopper--"

"You're whatever I want you to be. My uncle says the flat is a bit bare and he wants me to try to make it more like home. So I want you to come with me and pick out some stuff you think is good."

"I don't even live there."

"You're there practically every day, so it's better if you help pick something out." I wanted to refute with "because I have no choice", but the fact he was so carefree about it surprised me. "We've got a budget, though."

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