Stay The Night/That Morning

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It was late night, and I was pretty much suffering. Laying on the new couch, I was amazed how cold the loft could get at night. To make matters worse, I didn't have a blanket, so I pretty much was freezing to death. But of course, my pride and willpower (stubbornness) was keeping me from giving into He Tian's previous suggestion.

Ugh, no way in hell! I'd rather bear this! I can do this-- at least I hoped at that point.

But, to recap from hours before during our shopping trip: He Tian basically explained that his uncle was supposed to come along to help him shop for furniture, but he was busy so he brought me instead. I was kind of annoyed about being a second choice but I decided to let go of those feelings. After being dragged two blocks (yes, practically dragged because I was "moving too damn slow") we walked into this large home goods department store with bedroom and living room sets sprawled out in neat little sections and escalators that went up to the second levels.

The trip to the store was pretty lax and normal, though it was in that store where we met the most flamboyant man in the whole universe. He was in a very colorful suit (not loud colorful, but still pretty flashy) and had the most cheery attitude like he ate, slept, and breathed the opportunity to show two teenagers a bunch of furniture. He also had some effeminate hand gestures and ways of speaking. When I first saw him I honestly thought of the color pink. "We have some comfortable couches, futons and loveseats in a variety of colors, and also some of our newer living room sets," he told us with the utmost enthusiasm.

"We'd like to see some of your three piece living room sets, if you don't mind. Preferably something in a dark color," He Tian replied. As the salesman took us to some of their smaller sets, I couldn't help but notice He Tian's attitude.

It was... I dunno, upbeat? What was he so happy about? After all, I don't know many who'd have tedious home improvement shopping put a pep in their step. In comparison to this morning he seemed much brighter. Wait-- why am I even noticing this?

The salesman showed us one simple living room layout: a beige couch with a matching loveseat, and a dark oak coffee table. He went on about the different colors they had outside of beige when He Tian decided on dark shade of blue, pulling out a platinum card (His family really must be loaded with money, I thought) and ordering it to have it all shipped within the same day.

He ended up calling someone (who I guess was his uncle) to tell them of the movers coming later on. "Food," was the only thing he said as we exited the department store.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Mm... surprise me," he replied.

No, He Tian. You wouldn't want that.

You definitely won't like the surprise if I give you one.

"Alright, we'll play a game: I'll gather the ingredients to make the food, and you have to guess what it is," I proposed.

"What the hell? I know nothing about cooking. And you're not using this to get out of spending the night, either." Damn. Busted.

"Still, you should learn; it's bothersome cooking for you."

"Liar. You enjoy cooking."

"But not for you."

"You trying to catch a beatdown?" I rolled my eyes, but said nothing else. There was a brief silence before He Tian said: "I want dumplings."

"What else?"

"And peking duck."

"What? I'm not some gourmet chef," I replied.

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