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Why do people do this? Think about it. What is it? Suicide is not a joke, you should take it seriously. People do it because of family or bullying. Those are the two that are very common, but it is not just why people do it. There are many many other ways. I think about suicide a lot, not as in I want to do it but some of the people I LOVE around me. I know how it feels to be bullied, or your family has said something or done something to you. Don't just think about yourself for a second and think about the people around you. You are dead, you are happy, but what about the people around. They are the ones that have to feel the hard pain. If you know anyone that has done it you will know the feeling, and if you know someone that wants to do it try talk to them or get them to go and talk to someone. Never leave people on there own to think about this kind of thing!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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