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I sat fidgeting, waiting for the vickor to emerge from his pathetic home.10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20, minutes as boredom slapped me in the face, i used my dagger to pick out the dirt underneath my nails. Finally the bold man stepped out of his home carrying his crucifix around his neck, that crucifix was my target board, ready for my dart to hit the bull's eye.I stood up stretching above the vicar and called out"fine day it is,don't you think???" he threw his head up to where i was, trying to hide his panic when he saw me"well?" i asked, he frowned and looked around for an escape "uummm yeah i guess...sss uuhhh w.hh.....ooooo ar..rr..ee you?wh....aaaa...ttt dooo.....oooo you want?" he stammered trying to question me, i smiled pacing on the roof above him, like a tiger staring at it's prey waiting for any sudden movement

" well for starters it is a lovely day, so lovely that no-one would notice the missing vicar, who left his house without informing anyone where he was going, mmm where were you going might i ask??"his eyes wide as i said each word, and he shook his head no. i shrugged and said"i personally don't care, but have you ever heard of tigers playing with there food???, yeah well hears a perfect example" i waved my hands out towards him, making him jump out of his skin.

"noooo!!!!! this was not supposed to happen!!!" he screamed, i started to collect my gear and head to the edge of the roof were i descended the ladder, as i was 1/4 down i heard footsteps running away down the alley, i smiled and shouted"did you also know tigers like to trace there prey!well im the opposite i like to cheat and use a effortless substitute called sally!meet sally!" i pulled a bow from my back, loading it and concentrated into the distance, i let sally fly through the air and hit the target dead in the head!"nows the part where i have to use effort" i shouted at the dead man, as I jumped from the ladder and ran over to him and found that he was not dead but almost was, he groaned and breathed heavily from the wound on his head caused by moi!, i retrieved the arrow and heard him scream out in pain, as the blood licked the floor beside me"huh i thought the gazel won" i laughed"yeah well clearly not" i picked at my nails again pretending not to care "anyway it would be cruel to leave a suffering animal, therefore i will do the honours and put you out of your misery!" i smiled listening to how foolish i sounded comparing a grown man with a gazel-what a joke, however the vicar took it as no joke and attempted to scream, i kicked him hard in the side and he layed on his back grabbing his side."oi!shut the hell up!, i don't want to have to kill more hopeless gazel!" he instantly shut up and groaned

"help!!!!!" he bellowed,for god sake does he not understand the words shut and up? i put my foot on his chest, pushing against it hard, he yelped.

"did i not just tell you to shut up?" i grabbed my knife and bent down to put it to his throat, but hesitated when he pulled out a necklace, not just any necklace but the same necklace my mother gave to me before i watched her brutally murdered by a pack of wolves.sadness flooded all my limbs and paralysed me "where did you get that" i dragged my hand to my throat and found the familiar shape that was always there. he smiled in pain and said

"sorry but the gazelle dies before being interrogated!"he joked, the sadness that paralysed me before turned into fierce anger.

"how dare you mock me you peasant!" i screamed making more noise then he made pleading earlier. i couldn't focus anymore and stabbed the knife in his windpipe, once, twice, three times. blood splattered my face, my hands, my pants, my tunic!. i didn't care i cried whilst leaving the scene light headed.

i ran through the woods, screaming at the wolves that ripped up my mother " give her back you monsters!!!!" sweat, mixed with tears, mixed with rain soaked my clothes"you bad dogs!!!!!!!!, give her back she's my mummy not yours" i was only eight and had a mouth of a 18 year old. i watched the wolves tare her apart and i watched 6 men walk out the garden as if nothing happened, and thats when i flipped and decided it would be a good idea to run after them, so i did.

"Jasmine.....Jasmine" i felt someone touch my shoulder and i grabbed the knife under my pillow ready to kill, however it was my maid yuples, who jumped out of her skin and dropped my perfect breakfast on the floor."shit yuples....ummm sorry, i'll clean that up" i chucked the duvet off of my legs and climbed out of bed ready to clean, however yuples said

"umm miss jasmine, your sweating and you've been crying and screaming, i'll clean it up okay you just take a bath and relax" she looked as if she had seen a ghost. what if i called out what andrew did to me, crap that would be bad yuples would go asking questions and i'd be in deep shit. so i smiled and said

"yuples, you can call me jasmine not miss, i've lived hear for 4 years, anyway did i shout anything odd in particular?" she understood and shook her head " no really miss....." "call me jasmine" i smiled "um jasmine" she replied"you said quite a lot, i wouldn't worry yourself it was just a dream, dreams get a bit out of hand" she looked sick and didn't meet my gaze. "your probably right" i said climbing out of bed until i realized something and turned around and pointed at yuples with my knife "i'll take that bath tho" i smiled at her reaction when i pointed the knife at her, she shook her head as if to say no, as in don't kill me, i laughed and stalked into the bathroom.

I climbed out the bath letting the water drip from my clean skin, i saw my thoughts written all over the walls,and felt very dizzy. i lived in the assassin's apprentice wings, that don't just home apprentices but they also home magical assassin's,i'm neither of them. Deskash saw something in me when i was 10, and said i should join his assassin's because i was welcome in his home-his personal home, however he had a son andrew who was 2 years older than me who groomed information out of me, and manipulated my thoughts into thinking that he was my bestest friend and what he was doing to me was perfectly fine. however i saw through that and focused my anger at him in the training field, yes thats right i got the pleasures of having him as my training partner, however Deskash trained me to become an assassin, meanwhile training Andrew to become a guard, but not just any guard, he was trained personally by the torturer-not just any torturer-The Torturer. i wrapped a towel around myself as i shook the thoughts away and replaced them with plans for breakfast. i was starving!, as i opened the door i saw that the breakfast had been cleaned up and a fresh meal was placed on my bed. yum! i ran over to the bed shoved my training gear on, that someone had neatly folded on my bed beside the food, then i dug into the delicious breakfast that warmed my heart.

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