Mia's cousin....Oh....NO!!!

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I woke up to a knock at the front door. I walked down stairs and saw Mia half way off the couch and her foot was twitching and she had drool dripping onto her cookies. I walked to the door and opened it to see a girl(pic above) and she was eating small cookies as she looked into my eyes,"Hello is Mia home?"she asked,"She's asleep right now. Why do you want her?"I asked,"She's my cousin."she answered,"Whats your name?"I asked,"Jade."she answered,"Well at least youre not crazy l--"I started,"BUT YOU CAN CALL ME COOKIES!!!!"she screamed which woke Mia up and she jumped over the couch and tackled the girl and started pretend to bite her,"Cake stop!"she laughed and Mia got up and helped the little one up,"Y/N my cousin is staying with me for a whole month!!!"Mia squealed,"Okay.....is she addicted to cookies?"I asked,"YES!!!!!!!"Macy and Krystal yelled,"Macy,Krystal come down here and explain this!!"I yelled and they walked down,"Mia's cousin every year around this time stays for a whole month and every time she stays she eats all the sweets and then WE,"Krystal pointed to them two,"go on a rampage and basically yell at Cake to get more and she does which is nice."Macy finished. I rolled my eyes and went back up stairs and closed my door and fell on my bed.......then suddenly something was jumping on my bed. I looked over to see a.....BABY PANTHER?!?! "SHADOW!!!" Mia yelled and the panther jumped off my bed and sat at the end wagging its tail starring me down,"Please leave."I begged it and then Mia walked in and the Panther walked to her,"Sorry I just got Shadow. Isn't he such a sweetheart?!"Cake asked, "Yeah now get away." I said and she listened.

Suddenly a loud noise came from down stairs.....Then suddenly a fire started to melt my floor and I ran out the house and watched it burn to the ground and Mia came out and she had....... Ears and a tail of a dog?!?!?

Hard to say,'I love you' Garroth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now