The Carnation Part 3

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The next day, Callie couldn't stop thinking about Shane. She had had a dream about him; not the creepy weird kind, but more like the kind that made someone like the person even more, but she couldn't remember it to save her life.

At lunch, she and Blair waited in line together. Once again, Blair was doing so against her will. It was to the point where she expected it and had given up trying to fight it. Sometimes she would show up on her own, before Callie even got there.

Callie was in the middle of telling Blair a story, which was usually just her talking about her pathetic love life. In this particular case, it was Callie explaining how she had "accidentally" threw her (luckily) indestructible dumb phone at Shane. All of her friends teased that it was on purpose and was some kind of flirting, which was something... more like another thing that Callie was completely clueless about.

She had just finished her story when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Wow Callie," Shane added his random comment sarcastically. He had this thing where he felt the need to say this basically every time he saw her, not that she minded.

"Wow Shane," Callie replied as usual.

Once they got through the line, Callie and Blair headed back to their spot. The rest of the girls were talking about Valentine's Day, which happened to the most hated holiday for all of them. It was obviously a day that was not meant for people who were single and it just made them jealous of all of the adorable couples and their cute relationships.

The conversation slowly drifted from how much they hated that day to the school's annual carnation sale. The student council always sold carnations as a fundraiser around this time of year. They offered a variety of colors and each one was supposed to mean something different. This year they would be selling red (for love), pink (crush/secret admirer), and white (representing friendship). There was also the option of adding a little note to it, which you could sign... or leave your identity anonymous.

Alecia had gotten up to throw something away, so Skye mentioned how she had thought about sending her a pink one, just to mess with her. Alecia was shy and quiet, unless you were a friend of hers, and she worried about everything (even the small unimportant things), so Skye had decided not to. Her easily worried characteristic was very similar to Callie, who was very easily stressed out, and was probably part of why they were friends.

"Are you going to send any to anyone," Blair asked Callie with a tone that made her amusement completely obvious. She finished the question with with the same mischievous, curious look that she often used when anyone talked about a guy in any kind of postive way, whether it be friendship or something more. Blair knew Callie well enough to know that the thought of sending one to Shane had crossed her mind... and to know that Callie had probably decided it was a terrible idea.

"Haha that's funny," Callie chuckled with a hint of irritated sarcasm.

"You should send one to Shane!"

"Are you crazy?! That's a disaster waiting to happen!"

Skye joined Blair in attempting to convince Callie to do it, but it was a hopeless cause. Callie was too afraid of rejection to try anything like that.

Despite their original failure, the two tried again a few days later.

"Come on," Blair whined. "It's not too late." There were still 2 days left to make a purchase, but that did not help persuade Callie.

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