Cheradine - A New Adventure

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Chapter 1

I walk into the building where the meeting is being held, Girls alouds two year break has come to an end and we are all going to meet today to start on our new album and hopefully a tour I skip to the lifts and push 4th floor and wait as the lift reaches the floor, the elevator stops I get out and walk to the meeting room when I open the door I’m pounced on by Nicola
“Chezzaa!!” she screams in me ear
“Nicky!!” I scream back we hug each other tightly then we break apart I look around the room and I see Kimberley and Nadine talking I walk over and hug Kimberley from behind
“Hey babes” she smiles
“Hey Kimba!” I giggle she turns round kisses my cheek and we hug I then go over to Nadine
“Diney!!” I jump up and down Nadine is the person I have seen least of I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her tight
“Cheryl its so good to see you I’ve missed you so much” she says kissing me cheek
“Missed you to Nadz” I’m about to say something when the door flies open
“Where are me girlies the Harding Is here!!” we hear Sarah shout
“Sarah!!” we all shout and run to her giving her a group hug   we all start bouncing up and down
“I’m soo excited about working on the new album its gonna be great” Nicola says
“Girls I have something I want to tell you” Nadine says smiling we all look at her but she stays silent
“Come Nadz I’m dying here spill!” I say
“Well I’m moving back to London… for good I mean” she says clapping her hands we all scream in excitement and hug her
“ I see yous are happy” she giggles
“yes!!” we all say
“Hello girls its lovely to see yous again” Hilary our manger speaks we all take our seats and the meeting begins,
2 hours later and we all walk out of the meeting happy at what we discussed
“Hey how about we go back to my new place and have a few drinks and something to eat like old times?” Nadine suggests we all agree and we head to Nadine’s new place.
We all walk into Nadine’s and to say she hasn’t lost her love for LA is an understatement her place is gorgeous, there’s wooden floor leading to the front room the walls are a deep red the kitchen has black marble tops with wooden floor also and the living room is very spacious with a red and cream rug and cream leather sofas with pictures of her family and of us on the walls and window ceil,
“Nadz this your place is gorgeous!” I say taking everything in
“Thank you, it should be gorgeous for what I paid!” she laughs she is carrying 5 glasses and a bottle of white and red wine, we all sit down and start to talk about what’s been going on with each other and then about the new album.
Its later In the evening and we are all a bit tipsy
“More wine?” Nadine slurs trying to stand up
“yep!” Sarah says nodding her head fast Nadine goes to the kitchen and I follow her to help,
“Cheryl!!” she squeals hugging me and wrapping her legs around me I stumble  abit then grab hold of the counter
“sh!t Nadz, I’m tipsy and your heavy!” I laugh
“I love yoooo” she slurs in my ear
“Love ya to Diney now got off us” I say she sets herself unsteadily on her feet and gets another 2 bottles of red wine out
“Gimme one of those” I say holding my hand out we walk back into the living room where Sarah has decided to blare out some GA songs from her ipod into the stereos
“God this is old!” I slur at the song playing its No Good Advice
“Remember the video them sliver suits we had to wear” Nicola says swaying her glass from side to side
“don’t remind me mine split down the crutch!” I say laughing at the memory
“ I DON’T NEED NO GOOD ADVICE, I’M ALREADY WASTED!!” Sarah shouts rather than sings and we all laugh at her
“Nadine can you stop moving I cant see you” Kimberley slurs laughing
“Kimba I’m sitting down! I think you’ve had too many” Nadine laughs and we all join in
“I’m going up then” Kimberley says
“I will to I’m tipsy and knackered not good!” Nicola laughs both of them climbs the stairs leaving me Nadine and what seems to be a past out Sarah on her rug
“Then there were two!” Nadine says raising her glass I clink our glasses together and drink the content of mine in one go
“I’m off to Nadz see you in the morning pet” I smile at giving her a hug
“Should we just leave Sarah?” she asks following me up the stairs
“yeah she’ll be fine” I say I get to the room I’m staying in and I turn to face Nadine
“Night Diney” I say kissing her on the lips we both laugh and go to our rooms for the night. 

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