Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I wake up in the morning and I feel someone’s arm around me and for a moment I’m scared at who it is in me bed, I glance down and then I remember everything from last night seeing her sleeping face makes me want to cry, her eye has gone down a bit and her face looks more clearer, I run my fingers through her hair as my eyes fill with tears, as I stroke her hair her grip around me waist tightens I hold my breath as she starts to wake up I quickly close my eyes but keep me fingers in her hair, I feel her lift her head from my chest and she moves her arm from my waist and strangely I miss the contact but I keep my eyes closed I hear her let out a yawn then I feel her finger push some of me hair back from my face she strokes her finger down my cheek then she places a kiss there. I hear her get out of the bed and out of the room then I open my eyes I run a finger over the spot where she had kissed me cheek and I smile, I check my phone and see I have a message from Hilary

“Cheryl I need you and all the girls to come in today, the press have pictures of last night with you and Nadine walking into the hospital and then of the other girls walking in later, I need to know what happened” H

I roll back on to my back and groan this is all Nadine needs the press on her back, I get out of bed have a quick shower and get ready then go downstairs to have a very strong coffee, when I get into the kitchen I see Nadine there dressed but she is wearing sunglasses, I make a coffee and sit next to her I place my hand on her thigh and she looks up at me, I don’t need to see her eyes to knew they are filled with tears I pull her towards me and hug her tight

“Nadz you don’t need to wear the glasses around me… or the girls take em off” I say she shakes her and I sigh sadly

“Nadz please your still beautiful we don’t think different just coz you’ve got a bruise and a broken nose” I say holding her hand she takes the glasses off and I blink, I don’t remember the bruise on her cheek being that big or that dark in colour, her eye is better as I found out this morning I rub a thumb over her cheek and give her a kiss there I see her smile making me smile.

“Nadz, I got a text from Hilary we need to go in and see her to tell her what happened the press have pictures of last night when we went to the hospital” I say carefully she nods puts the shades back on her face and says

“Lets go then” I nod my head grab my bag and keys and head out to the car.

We did expect this when we walked outside me house, theres hundreds of paps outside me gates I turn to Nadine to see her shaking slightly

“Its okay babes lets just get to the car and everything will be okay” I smile at her we get in the car and drive off out of the gates with the paps firing questions at us more so to Nadine

“Nadine what happened? Why were you at the hospital?”

“Nadine did you get in a fight with one of the other girls?”

“Nadine is it true your leaving the band for good?”

“Nadine, Nadine” They just kept shouting for her and I just wanted to run them over we get past them and I drive off to the record label

“Well I now know what it is like in the life of Cheryl Tweedy” Nadine laughs dryly I turn to look at her quickly then place a hand on her thigh

“It will die down babes don’t worry we’ll protect you” I say

“Thank you” she says and grabs hold of my hand holding it in hers making me smile and the feeling in me stomach comes back with full force that I nearly swerve the car

“You okay?” she asks once I get control of the car

“Yeah I don’t know what happened there” I laugh nervously.

We sit in Hilary’s office all five of us. She finishes typing on her laptop then turns to us with a serous face

“What happened last night?” she asks but none of us speak

“Did something happen to one of you I’m guessing its either you Cheryl or Nadine as you two went to the hospital first” she says turning to look at me

“It was Nadine I had to take her the hospital” I say

“why?” she asks Nadine the removes her cap and sunglasses and Hilary gasps

“Oh Nadine what happened!” she says Nadine tells her what happened while choking back sobs me and Sarah have our arms around her

“Nadine you cant let him get away with this you have to tell the police” Hilary says and Nadine looks scared

“what about the press, what do we say to them?” Kimberley asks

“Nadine what would you like me to say to them?” Hilary says Nadine shrugs her shoulders

“I don’t know” she says

“well we can either say the truth or we could say you got attacked which one?” Hilary gives her the choice

“The truth” Nadine replies and we all turn our necks to her

“Are you sure babes?” Nicola says kneeing in front of her taking her hand

“Yes, I’m sure what choice is there?” she says

“Okay I will write a statement and get the police to visit you, are you at home or-“

“I’m staying with Cheryl” Nadine cuts her off

“Okay then, I will get it sorted now go home rest and stay low” Hilary smiles and gives Nadine a hug we all walk out of the building to have flashes thrown into our face the paps are here we all get in our cars and drive off to mine we are still having the girlie day Nadine needs it she needs all of us.

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