chapter 2: sparks didn't really fly but ok

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Ivan walked down the hallway and immediately felt a difference in the usually loud and active school. For starters, instead of yelling and people talking nonsense, there were people(very few, but some) pointing and whispering, excepts for one small group of people that was rapidly expanding, surrounding one person in specific.

The person, a guy, blue eyes and blond hair with an odd looking cowlick sticking away from the rest of his hair. He was wearing a large jacket over a red shirt, with the word 'hero' on it, and light blue unattractive jeans on, and to top it off, he had a cross necklace. Oh god.

Ivan read off the locker numbers until one before his, in which the boy was in front of. Ivan, the type to stay on track had to fix this and he quickly tried to get him to move without saying anything, but nothing worked. How dense was this boy?

"Excuse me." He finally said, looking at the boy who finally stopped talking to someone named Kiku.

"Hm?" he said, his blue eyes staring into Ivan's, breath hitching. This guy was gorgeous. Silver-blond hair, purple blue eyes, and a ridiculously large coat on.

"Could you please move, my locker is right where you are." Alfred's eyes widened, hypnotized by the boys voice.

"S-sure! I mean uh," he coughed, trying to sound natural. "Yeah, sorry dude, my bad!" he moved a step or two away, keeping an eye on the guy.

"So, I'm new here..?" Alfred said, trying to start a conversation, but failing, as it seemed Ivan didn't want to speak, which he didn't. Ivan nodded, slipping off his coat revealing a green turtleneck shirt and a scarf. Alfred looked away, coughing a bit.

"I noticed." Alfred sucked in a breath and continued, fiddling with the zipper on his own coat. Why did he feel so uncomfortable?

"Um, well, my names Alfred, I'm from Califo-" Ivan cut him off, shutting his locker.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Alfred, but I have to go now." He said curtly, holding his binder and books in one hand, pressing it to his chest, walking swiftly past the loud, and in his opinion, annoying American. They had been talking for less than a minute, and he already had an opinion on the boy. He saw him as a cushioned white boy from a large school with many friends. Had no problem getting what he wanted, and didn't have to work for it. Ivan wasn't sure why his family would have moved but he didn't want to, frankly. Type of kids (though they're the same age) like these annoyed him.

He walked to his class, right on schedule, as planned. The bell rang a minute after he got in the room and sat down, setting all his stuff (consisting of a binder, computer, pencil and math book) down, and all the other students started filing in, going to whichever seat they wanted. The students all had taken seats with their best friends, significant other, maybe even the people they didn't hate, and no one sat by ivan, and if they were even a bit close they would move and scoot their seats away. He didn't mind of course, it was easier to study and write without loud immature students screaming all around him.

The second bell had rang and the teacher walked in, murmuring a hello to the class and setting down a folder on her desk.

"Today," she said, standing in the front of the room after getting everyone's (well, part) attention. "we will be having a new student in our class!" most of the students who had gone back to talking with friends had turned and looked around the room.

"Alfred, will you please come up and introduce yourself?" silence filled the room as everyone looked around. No one from the group Alfred was talking to were in ivan's homeroom, seeming to include Alfred. Of course, it's just typical fo-

"I'm here! I'm here, I'm so sorry I'm late!" he huffed and sat in the seat beside me, slinging his bag over the chair.

"Alfred, could you please come up here and introduce yourself?" the teacher asked again, sighing. He practically jumped out of his seat, walking to the front of the room.

"Hey! I'm Alfred, and I came here with my family from California, and I like baseball, superhero movies and football!" he beamed at the room which didn't seem to care accepts a few swooning girls.

"Okay, thank you Alfred," the teacher murmured, looking at her phone. "You may sit down now." He nodded and sat down in the seat beside Ivan, grinning. He seemed happy to be here, which is odd. Is he just an optimistic guy, does he just like it here (doubt it), or is it something else?

"Oh, um, I have to leave for a moment, sorry class, please stay behaved." Everyone nodded, and Ms. Gilson left the classroom of teenagers (fully trusting them not to make a mess), holding her phone closely.

Yay! Second chapters up! I'm actually proud that I got this up, my week has been terrible (mostly just family stuff) so I wasn't sure if I would be able to. I really like the idea of this chapter, it's kinda simple, just Ivan and al meeting, I just don't like how I wrote it, I guess. I may come back and fix it later.

edit: Hey! man, i  hate this chapter, but i do promise the changes i made will affect the story!

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