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*Ring Ring*

Who the fuck would be calling at this time?

*Ring Ring*

Damn, someone is a desperate motherfucker.

I lazily get up and walk towards my phone. This person better have a good reason on why my slumber is disturbed.

2 missed calls from 'Hoeeeeeeeee'

Oh damn, it's Aaron. Who else would call at this time. I click on the little phone icon indicating that I'm calling him.

"Aaron I swear I'm going to kill you tomorrow. You fucking called me in the middle of the night!"

"Anddd? I've always been calling you in the middle of the night, stop getting your panties in a twist"

I scoff and look at my panties.

"For your information my undergarments is untwisted thank you very much. And two, get some sleep the popular guy at school should get some sleep."

Aaron is the 'popular' guy at my school. Not the guy who sleeps with the next girl he sees, but atleast had a proper relationship. I felt my heart ache, since I had a little crush on him since year 1.

"Okay, okay! Damn, I'll go to sleep, fucking bossy."

I laugh and can imagine his face right now.

"Okayyyyyyy! Goodnight hoe"

"Night whore"

I end the call, and put my phone down. I jump onto my bed and look up to the ceiling.

I wonder if Aaron ever had feelings for me? Or am I just his bestfriend? Me and him have been through thick and thin. I remember when he fell of the trampoline, I would purposely fall off as well so me and him can suffer through it together. Our parents was so mad, but awed at the sight. Or that time when he cancelled his football game, just to stay with me when I was sick. Good times.

I turn my light off, and close my eyes into a deep slumber.


"Maddie get up."

"Maddie get up!"

"Fuck off, I'm trying to sleep."

All of a sudden I felt a cold burst on my face.


I burst up and see Aaron standing at the end of my bed laughing his ass off.

"Oh my god! You should've seen your face!"

I shot him a dirty look, and get up. Looking at the time, I only had 1 hour to get ready.

"Why are you here?"

I ask him whilst doing my bed.

"I can't offer my dear best friend a ride to school? boo you suck."

I laugh at his impression on Twaimz. Ahh, Twaimz slays.

"I want to get ready for school, since I only have 1 hour to get ready, so shoo"

Surprised that he listened, he went downstairs. I open my curtains and see it's a sunny day. Going to the bathroom I hear Aaron.

"Daniella, I'm here with Maddie....of course I'll pick you she won't mind"

I close the bathroom door and pretend not to hear the conversation. Seconds later I hear loud footsteps.

"Maddieee! Daniella wants me to pick her up from her house and take her to school, do you mind?"

Of course I do mind, I want you taking me to school and not that stuck up bitch.

"Yeah its okay, go ahead, I'll see you at school!"

"Thanks Mads, you're the best!"

I know I am.

I hear his loud footsteps running down the stairs, and the door shut. Washing my face and brushing my teeth I walk to my room to get ready.

Looking at my closet, I get a crop top that says '98' on the back, matching with my denim crop skirt.

Walking to my makeup area, I apply winged eyeliner, coat of mascara, and lipgloss. I don't wear foundation because my skin is already flawless. Grabbing my white converses and my school bag, I run downstairs.

"Morning honey"

My mother greets me. She was sitting down at the table drinking her daily tea.

"Hi momma, where's dad?"

I asked while walking to the fridge to get juice.

"He left early, he has a early shift today"

I nod and poured my orange juice. Looking at the clock it was 7:55, meaning that I only had twenty minutes to get to school.

"Mum, I'm in a rush so I love you!"

I run to kiss her cheek, before she stops me.

"I thought Aaron was going to pick you up?"

My heart aches at the thought of him and Daniella getting lovey in the car.

"Daniella wanted him to pick her up and take her to school, but it's no biggy, I can take the bus"

She gives me a frown before she could say anything, I run out the door saying 'I love you' one last time.

Walking to the bus stop I take my phone out at look at the time '8:00' great. Waiting at the bus stop I take my phone out and take a few selfies because the lighting right now was a1. After a few selfies, I wonder where the fuck is the bus? It's not usually this late.

Waiting for an extra 2 minutes, the bus still didn't appear.

"Fuck this, I'm walking"

This is going to be a long day.

Hey guys!!!! That was the first chapter of IILWMBF. I hope you guys enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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