#1 He Saves You

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Prefs. 1-5

ZAYN: "Are you okay? You're looking a bit pale, love." Zayn puts his hand on your cheek gently. You two have been walking along the empty beach, watching the sunset for the past hour and you don't want the moment to end. You are a bit light-headed, but you don't want to go home, not yet. "I'm fine, I'm always pale," you joke. "If you say so," he replies, holding your hand a bit tighter. A few moments later you feel like you're going to pass out. "Zayn..." you stumble and he catches you. "Oh my god, are you okay?" You shake your head and everything goes black. The last thing you remember is falling into his arms. You blink your eyes and see bright lights and a white ceiling. "Oh my God, she's awake! She's awake!" A very worried Zayn rushes over to your side, the trace of a tear on his cheek. "Zayn? What's..." A nurse steps into the room and checks your pulse. "You're lucky to have this boy," she says, patting Zayn's shoulder. "You passed out from low blood pressure, he carried you two miles to get here. since there's no service down by the beach, if he hadn't have been there..." she shakes her head and Zayn blushes. "I'm just glad you're okay...I, I don't know what I'd do without you..."

LIAM: "Aw, my phone's ringing," he sighs and pulls himself out of the pool, shaking water out of his hair like a puppy. "I'll be right back, all right? It's probably Paul..." You nod and grip the edge of the pool tightly. You can't swim, but as long as you grip the edge you'll be fine. He smiles at you, grabbing his phone from the pool chair nearby and stepping outside for a moment. The indoor pool is empty, most normal people sleeping at this hour, but you love it. Romantic, like you and Liam's private swimming pool. No paparazzi or crazy fans, perfect. Liam's gone for about five minutes, still outside on his phone. Bored of just hanging onto the edge of the pool, you decide to try to swim to the ladder across the way. Close enough, plus you're starting to shrivel up like a prune! You take a deep breathe and let go of the edge. You start kicking and paddling across the pool as best as you can, when your bracelet gets caught in your hair. "Crap, crap," you start to get frantic, not being able to use one of your hands to stay afloat. You start flailing, heart pounding. You're going to drown, you can't swim. You can't swim. Why had you tried to swim? Your head falls under water and you try to splash above. "HELP! HELP!" you start shouting, but soon the water pulls you under and you stop trying to stay afloat. You wake up with Liam above you, he sighs with relief as you open your eyes. "Thank God I learned mouth to mouth resuscitation that summer, oh my God. I'm so glad you're okay, I should have never have left you..." he hugs you tightly. "No, no. I shouldn't have tried to swim..." He shakes his head. "I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life, of losing you..."

NIALL: "Please don't, here, you can have my purse. I've got a couple of credit cards, um, and you can have my watch, just please, please don't hurt me," you back against the wall in the alley, the masked figure holding a knife a few inches from your throat. You had been coming to meet Niall at Nando's when you decided to take a short cut, cutting through the alleyway. Bad idea. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking around alone at night in dark alleyways. "That's all you got?" The masked figure moves closer, the knife is touching your skin and you can feel the tip of the blade. He takes your bag and you start to cry. "Yes, please. Just let me go, I won't tell anyone, I promise. I don't even know what you look like..." The figure laughs. "Like I should believe you," he digs the knife a bit deeper, drawing blood. Suddenly, the figure is knocked to the ground and you're being dragged by the hand out of the alley. "RUN!" It's Niall and you both run, clutching your neck which is bleeding just a little bit. "How did you..?" you ask, when you're both safely out of the alley. "I was taking the same shortcut and I saw....I kicked him in the shins and..." he takes off his hoodie and places it on your neck. "Let's get you to a hospital," he says softly.

HARRY: "Don't move," he whispers. You'd both been walking through the park when a dog began to chase you both. Foam dripped from the edges of the dogs mouth and the dog snarls, jumping at the base of the tree. Knowing you couldn't outrun the dog, you two had climbed the nearest tree. Unfortunately, the tree wasn't very high and the dog was jumping and clawing, nearly at your feet. "I'm scared, Harry." you clutch his hand, the dog barking louder and louder. Didn't anyone hear him? Didn't anyone see you guys? The dog runs and jumps, grabbing the hem of your dress. "(Y/N)! " The dogs claw gets caught in the fabric, yanking you downward. You stumble and Harry grabs your wrist and pulls you back up. "Are you okay, did he get you?" You shake your head. Your favorite dress is now torn, but that's the least of your worries. The dog keeps getting closer and jumping higher, you two have no where else to go. "My phone, I dropped it when he was chasing us..." Harry points to his iPhone lying in the grass a few yards away. "Don't, you can't outrun him..." you plead. "But if I don't call someone, the dog's going to keep jumping higher and higher. He almost got you that time! I don't want him to hurt you, if anything I'll just need a few stitches is all..." Before you can protest he jumps down from the tree and sprints to his phone. The dog is a bit surprised and watches Harry for a moment before chasing him. You watch in horror as Harry grabs his phone and the dog gets closer. "I can't believe you did that, my hero," you pat his curly head later on, examining the long scar and stitches from where the dog got his ankle. "Perhaps I can get a proper thank you later?" he winks at you and you laugh.

LOUIS: "Take a picture of me in front of the sun!" you call out, stepping closer to the edge of the rocky cliff. You've got good balance though, and this will be the awesomest twitter picture ever. "Be careful, you're really close!" he calls out, reluctantly raising the camera to snap a photo. You strike a pose, but your sneaker slides on a slippery patch of mud. You feel yourself start to fall, but Louis' hand grabs you just in time. "Jesus Christ, (Y/N)! You almost gave me a heart attack." You scoot away from the edge quickly. "I almost had a heart attack myself!" you clutch your chest, heart still pounding. "I need to get you a leash or something, maybe I should start calling you Danger." he teases. You roll your eyes and punch his shoulder with a grin. "But in all seriousness," he adds. "Thank God you're all right."


These are from a fanpage, but I changed a few things.


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